Present Projects


1.  Development of polymer composites for optical data storage, with Drs Bansilal, S Gupta, DRDO (2006-08)


Projects Completed


2.  Development of a green laser based on single crystal fibers, with Dr Basilal, DRDO, New Delhi


3.  Development of Photonic Devices based on Single Crystal Fibres, with Dr Bansilal, DIT, New Delhi

4.  Preparation and Characterization of LiNbO3 Single Crystal Fibers by LHPG Technique, with Dr Bansilal, CSIR., New Delhi

5.  Characterization of Activated Alumina Grades for Drinking Water Defluoridation, with Dr L Iyengar, UNICEF, New Delhi

6.  Study of BSO group for optical information processing, with Drs S Gupta and KP Gupta DST, New Delhi

7.  Development  of X-ray labs, MHRD., New Delhi

8.  Development of BSO crystals for optical modulators, with Drs S Gupta and KP Gupta, DRDO, New Delhi

9.  Development of Thermal Analysers, with Dr. S Gupta, DST, New Delhi.

10. Modernisation of X-ray facilities, MHRD, New Delhi

11.Growth and study of mixed tartrates, with (late) Prof. GC Uprethi, CSIR., New Delhi

12. Development of optical fibres for communications, with Drs  D Chakravorty, KS Gandhi and S Gupta, DRDO, New Delhi

13. Study of Optical Filters, UGC, New Delhi

14. Materials development for Electrooptic Devices, with Dr KV Ramaniah and M Mukunda Rao, UGC, New Delhi

           (Inter Institutional Collaborative Project with IIT Madras)