

Newton’s laws describes the motion of particle in terms of second-order differential equations.  Only a handful of the differential equations are solvable analytically.  Simple harmonic motion and Kepler’s problems are some of the systems that have exact solutions.  For other systems, we use computers to solve them.
Solution of Newton’s equations using computers are not very difficulty.  You can use programming languages like C, C++, Java, Fortran to solve them.  Better still, there are simple numerical packages that provide solutions.  In this course we will use PYTHON to solve Newton’s equations of motion and for plotting.

Python codes in this-page.
Please install Canopy (Enthought python distribution) after downloading from
USAGE:  Login to one of the CCPCs: ccpc101 to 135 (lab2) and ccpc141 to ccpc201 using
ssh -X email-id@ccpcxxx (xxx one of the nos)
then enter passwd
then type “bash” and enter
then type the command
ipython --pylab
You will get python interface.  Start working now. 

If you are using your own pc or directly logged into ccpc. start using
ipython --pylab

Verma’s book contains several examples how to solve Newton’s equation using MATLAB or OCTAVE (see Sec. 6.5).  You can download the programs related to Verma’s book by clicking the following link
Unzip the file using unix command $unzip -zxvf Matlabprogs.tgz
As a result you will get the programs arranged in various directories.
 You can learn more about MATLAB or OCTAVE using their manual or the following book:
J. Chapman, Matlab Programming for Engineers
