Partha Chakroborty, Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

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Publications Related to Traffic Flow Theory

1. Partha Chakroborty and Shinya Kikuchi. (2004). Estimating Travel Times on Urban Corridors using Bus Travel Time Data. Transportation Research Record, 1870, pp. 18-25.
2. Partha Chakroborty, Saurabh Agrawal, and Kyatham Vasishtha. (2004). Microscopic Modeling of Driver Behavior in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130, Issue 4, pp. 438-451.
3. Partha Chakroborty and Shinya Kikuchi. (2003). Calibrating the Membership Functions of Fuzzy Inference System: Instantiated by Car-following Data. Transportation Research, Part C, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 91-119.
4. Partha Chakroborty and Shinya Kikuchi. (1999). Evaluation of the General Motors based Car-Following Models and a Proposed Fuzzy Inference Model. Transportation Research, Part C, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 209-235.
5. Partha Chakroborty. (1996). A Model of Car-following: A Fuzzy Inference Based System. Transportation Research, Part A, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 72.
6. Shinya Kikuchi and Partha Chakroborty (1992). Car-Following Model based on Fuzzy Inference System. Transportation Research Record, 1365, pp. 82-91.
7. Shami Gupta, Partha Chakroborty and A. Mukherjee. (1998). Microscopic Simulation of Vehicular Traffic on Congested Roads. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Industrial Robotic Systems-98, Bangalore, India.
8. Partha Chakroborty and Shinya Kikuchi. (1995). Emulation of Car-Following Behaviour: Use of Fuzzy Neural Systems. Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 14-16 (Vol. III).
9. Shinya Kikuchi and Partha Chakroborty. (1995). Fuzzy Neural Network Control of Complex Systems: A Study on Longitudinal Vehicular Control. Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, Washington, D.C., USA, pp. 84-92 (Vol. III).