Best Project Award for Engineerin in SURGE-2024: Ms Keerthika Kadagala (B.Tech Final Year Student) has been awarded the Best Project Award for Engineerin at the SURGE-2024 research internship program with citation and cash prize of Rs. 10,000.
Best Paper Award in IEEE UPCON 2024: Ms Keerthika Kadagala (B.Tech Final Year Student) has been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 11th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2024), Lucknow held during Nov 29 - Dec 01, 2024.
mmWave Research Lab, EE, IITK Signed an MoU with Starkenn Technologies Private Limited to Develop Cutting-Edge mmWave Antennas for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.
Congratulations to Amit Pandey (PhD Student) for
his research paper's acceptance at
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
entitled "A Compact SD-QMSIW-Based Self-Diplexing MIMO Antenna Using Two Modified L-Shaped Slots as Radiators for IoT Applications"
Congratulations to Aks Raj (PhD Student) for
his research paper's acceptance at
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
entitled "Pioneering Multi-functionality through VO2-infused Polarization Insensitive Conformal Meta-Structures in Terahertz Regime"
NYU-IITK Award: Prof. Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary has been awarded the NYU Tandon-IIT Kanpur Joint Research Grant Award.
SAM-IITK 2024: Upcoming event, "Symposium on Antenna and Microwave (SAM) 2024: 5G Antennas from Fundamental to Implementation. [Click here for more details]
URSI Young Scientist Award: Dr. Mohit Mishra has been awarded the URSI Young Scientist Award. As a part of this award, he will be presenting his paper entitled "An Idea to Reduce the Mutual Coupling in Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for MIMO Applications" authored by Mohit Mishra and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary at the URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference in Gran Canaria, Spain, from May 19th to May 24th, 2024.
Awarded 1st Position in Student Category Papers: Mr. Mohammad Ameen has been awarded 1st Position in Student Category Papers in IEEE Microwave, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Dec 10-14, 2023, Ahmedabad, India. The paper entitled "Isolation and Gain Enhancement of MIMO Diversity Antenna Using Metamaterial Absorber and Linear-To-Circular Polarization Converter”, presented by Ms. Richa and authored by Mohammad Ameen, Richa and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary.