IASTA Meeting and International Conference
Aerosols, Clouds and Indian Monsoon
November 15-17, 2004
Technical Programme
Day 1: Monday, November 15, 2004
08.00 – 09.00: Registration; Venue: Lecture
Hall Complex
09.15 – 10.30: Inaugural Function; Venue, L –
2, Lecture Hall Complex
§ Invocation, 09.15-09.18
§ Introduction: Dr Vinod Tare, Convener, IASTA Meeting and Intl. Conference, 09.18-09.23
§ Welcome and about IASTA: Dr H S Kushwaha, President, IASTA, 09.23-09.31
§ About the Conference: Dr Sachida Nand Tripathi, Convener (Technical Programme), 09.31-09.36
§ Address and Introduction of Chief Guest: Dr S G Dhande, Director, IIT Kanpur, 09.36-09.48
§ Inaugral address: Dr V Ramanathan, Professor of Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, La Jolla, California, US Title: Air Pollution, Atmospheric Brown Clouds and the Indian Monsoon; 09.48-10.28
§ Vote of Thanks: Dr Vinod Tare, Convener, 10.28-10.30
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee
Technical Session I
Aerosol Research: Global Perspective
(11.00 – 12.45)
Chairperson – Dr D R Sikka
Invited Lectures
11.00-11.25 AERONET-a review of AERONET research accomplishments from the past 10 years of observations; B N Holben
11.25-11.50 Scientific Issues in Understanding the Climate Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Asia; Teruyuki Nakajima, Tamio Takamura, Toshihiko Takemura, Akiko Higurash, Takashi Y. Nakajima and Hajime Okamoto
11.50-12.05 ISRO Program on Aerosols; C B S Dutt
12.05-12.20 DST Program on Atmospheric Sciences; Sanjeeva Rao
12.20-12.45 Characterisation of the Spatio – Temporal Heterogeneity of Atmospheric Aerosols and Impact on Regional Radiative Forcing: Indian Perspective. K Krishnamoorthy
13.00 – 13.15 Opening –
Poster Session and Exhibition
13.15 – 14.15 Lunch
Technical Session II
Climatic Effects and Radiative Forcing
(14.15 – 16.15)
Chairperson – Dr Pratim Biswas
Invited Lectures
14.15-14.40 Aerosol Effects on the Surface Radiation Budget over the Indian Region: Possible Link to Monsoon? R T Pinker, M Wonsick, H Liu, G Pandithurai, P C S Devara and T Takamura
14.40-15.05 Realizing an aerosol model of India. A Jayaraman
Contributed Papers
15.05-15.15 Study Of Aerosol Optical Depth And Ångström Coefficients Over Delhi During Sand Storm Period And Its Impact On Total Solar Radiation Flux. Sachchidanand Singh, Shambhu Nath, R S Tanwar and Risal Singh
15.15-15.25 A model of global flux of solar radiation using aerosol optical depth measurements at two wavelengths and its comparison with pyranometer measured flux under clear sky conditions over Delhi. P K Pasricha, Risal Singh, R S Tanwar, Sachchidanand Singh and S Nath
15.25-15.35 Observed Large-Scale Changes in the Cloud Radiative Forcing Averaged over the Indian Monsoon Region. S D Patil and R K Yadav
15.35-15.45 Observational Estimation of Direct Radiative Forcing by Atmospheric Aerosols. R.S. Maheskumar and P C S Devara
15.45-15.55 Role of Tropospheric Turbulence in the Formation and Persistence of Tropical Cirrus. K Parameswaran and S V Sunilkmuar
15.55-16.05 Aerosol Radiative Forcing And Heating Rates during Winter and Pre-Monsoon Seasons over Pune. G Pandithurai, R T Pinker and P C S Devara
16.05-16.15 A GCM Study on Sulphate Aerosols during the Winter Monsoon Season for 1998 and 1999. Sunita Verma, S K Deb, O Boucher, H C Upadhyaya, O P Sharma, M Shekar Reddy, P Levan and F Binkowski
16.15 – 16.40 Coffee
Break/ Posters and Exhibition
17.00 – 18.00 Institute
Lecture – Dr V Ramanathan; Title: Greenhouse
Gases, Atmospheric Brown Clouds and Climate Change: Why Should India be Concerned?
18:15 – 19:15 IASTA Meeting
20.00 Dinner
Day 2: Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Technical Session III
Aerosol Chemistry and Fog Characterization
(09.00 – 10.25)
Chairperson – Dr K Krishnamoorthy
Invited Lectures
09.00-09.25 Interactions between Atmospheric Aerosol and Water. S N Pandis
Contributed Papers
09.25-09.35 Measurements of Fine Particulates mass at New Delhi. B.C. Arya, S L Jain, Arun Kumar and Sachin D Ghude
09.35-09.45 A Parameterization of Ion Induced Nucleation of Sulphuric Acid and Water for Atmospheric Conditions. Sanjeev Kumar, Moninder Singh Modgil, S N Tripathi, E R Lovejoy and Jan Kazil
09.45-09.55 Continuous Seasonal Profile of Particulate Levels and Their Chemical Composition in an Urban Environment. Rakesh Kumar, Abba Elizabeth, A.G. Gawane and R. Biniwale
09.55-10.05 Rainwater Chemistry around National Capital Region of Delhi. Suresh Tiwari, G A Momin , P S P Rao, P D Safai , D M Chate, K. Ali, Hennig Rodhe and Lennart Granat
10.05-10.15 Airborne Measurements of Aerosol Size-distributions on a Cloudy Day. V Gopalakrishnan, P Murugavel and A K Kamra
10.15-10.25 Fog and Urban Air Pollution over Delhi: Observations and Analysis. Manju Mohan and Swagata Payra
10.25 – 11.00 Coffee Break/ Posters and
Technical Session IV
Surface and Atmospheric Ozone
(11.00 – 12.45)
Chairperson – Dr Sundar A Cristopher
Invited Lectures
11.00-11.25 Surface Ozone over the Indian Region. Shyam Lal
11.25-11.50 Ozone Pollution: Indian Scenario. G Beig and S Gunthe
Contributed Papers
11.50-12.00 Study of Ozone Hole over Maitri at Fringe Region of Antarctica During 2003. Ashok Kumar, V B Gupta, Sachin D Ghude, S L Jain and B C Arya
12.00-12.10 Recent improvements in the Total Ozone derived from NOAA Satellites. Devendra Singh, S K Srivastav, Sant Prasad and S K Mukharjee
12:10-12.20 Ozone instrumental monitoring and phytodetection in Greece. C J Saitanis, M G Karandinos, A N Riga-Karandinos, DV Lekkas, D H Katsaras, G Arapis
12:20-12.30 Temporal Trends of Total Ozone and Water Vapour at Trivandrum. Prabha R. Nair, Susan George K. and K. Parameswaran
12:30-12.40 Diesel Exhaust Particulate Characterization for Heavy Metals. K V L Bharathi, Dipankar Dwivedi, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Mukesh Sharma
12.40 – 14.00 Lunch/ Posters
and Exhibition
Technical Session V
Bio- and Radioactive Aerosols, Nano-Particles
(14.00 – 15.50)
Chairperson – Dr P C S Devara
Invited Lectures
14.00-14.25 Role of bio-aerosols in causing human respiratory allergy. S Chanda
14.25-14.50 Nano-particle formation and growth dynamics in aerosol reactors: building blocks for nanotechnology applications. Pratim Biswas
Contributed Papers
14.50-15.00 PM2.5 Concentration and Composition Variation In An Urban Area With Large Highway Density— The Cincinnati Childhood Allergy And Air Pollution Study (CCAPS). Pratim Biswas, Shaohua Hu, Rafael McDonald, Dainius Martuzevicius, Sergey A. Grinshpun, James Lockey and Grace LeMasters
15.00-15.10 Size Distribution Characteristics of Some Indian Therapeutic Nebulizers. B K Sapra
15.10-15.20 Dynamics of Chain Aggregates of Carbon Nanoparticles Synthesized By Laser Abation. Rajdip Bandyopadhyaya, Weizhi Rong and Sheldon K Friedlander
15.20-15.30 Implications of Aerosol Dynamics with Varying Time-Temperature History on the Positioning of Particulate Control Devices in I C Engine Tailpipes. Ajay Kumar Chaudhary, Pravina P Parikh and Virendra Sethi
15.30-15.40 Comparison of Performance of Sampling Devices: Moudi and Single Stage Impactor for PM2.5 in Producer Gas from Thermal Biomass Gasifiers. Nitin Goyal, N Selvakumar, Pravina P Parikh and Virendra Sethi
15.40-15.50 Carcinogenic PAHs in Ambient Air of Indian Metropolis. Jovita A Manuel, K M Phadke and Animesh Kumar
15.50 – 16.15 Tea/ Posters
and Exhibition
Technical Session VI
Remote Sensing of Aerosols and Clouds
(16.15 – 17.40)
Chairperson – Dr Teruyuki Nakajima
Invited Lectures
16.15-16.40 Satellite Remote Sensing of Air Pollution and Radiative Forcing. Sundar A Christopher
Contributed Papers
16.40-16.50 Combined ground-based and satellite-borne study of aerosol characteristics during successive contrasting monsoon seasons. P C S Devara and R L Bhawar
16.50-17.00 Mapping of Aerosol Properties at 412, 443 and 670 nm Using IRS-P4 OCM-Land and Ground Based Sunphotometer Data. Rajshree Rege, M B Potdar and P C S Devara
17.00-17.10 Characteristics of the Fractional Cloud Cover and Its Altitude Distribution over the Indian Ocean Region Derived From NOAA-AVHRR. K Rajeev, C Suresh Raju and K Parameswaran
17.10-17.20 Cloud Studies Using Kalpana-1 Data: Potential and Possibilities.C Suresh Raju, K Rajeev, K Parameswaran, K S Jagannath, C G Patil
17.20-17.30 Seven-Years Satellite Observations of the Mean Structure and Variabilities of Regional Aerosol Distribution over the Oceanic Areas around the Indian Subcontinent. Sandhya K Nair, K Rajeev and K Parameswaran
17.30-17.40 Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols by Raman Spectroscopy at Ahmednagar (M S). V M Harpale, Sachin D Ralegankar, D B Jadahav, S D Dhole
17.45 – 18.30 Panel Discussion – Atmospheric Science
Education in Institutes of Higher Learning
§ Moderator: Dr Vinod Tare
§ Panelists: Drs Sanjay Limaye, Chandra Venktaraman, O P Sharama, Ram Sagar, D R Sikka, M M Sarin, Teriyuki Nakajima, Sundar A Cristopher, S N Tripathi
20.00 Dinner
Day 3: Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Technical Session VII
Air Pollution
(09.00 – 10.35)
Chairperson – Dr Chandra Venkataraman
Invited Lectures
09.00-09.25 A Sun Photometer for Atmospheric Haze and Water Vapor: A hands-on educational activity for High Schools. Rosalyn A Pertzborn, Sanjay S Limaye and W Paul Menzel
Contributed Papers
09.25-09.35 Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Aerosols of Mumbai. S K Sahu, G G Pandit and V D Puranik
09.45-09.55 Variation in Acidic and Neutralising Potentials of Aerosols at Pune and Sinhagad After Two Decades. P D Safai, P S Praveen, P S P Rao, G A Momin, K Ali and D M Chate
09.55-10.05 Characteristics of aerosols over an urban site of semiarid region in India. Ranjit Kumar, K Maharaj Kumari and S S Srivastava
10.05-10.15 Continuous Volatile Fraction Measurement in PM10 and PM2.5. T H Petry, M Richter, H Grimm, K Mueller, G Spindler
10.15-10.25 Study on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Size-fractionated Atmospheric Aerosols. G G Pandit, S K Sahu and V D Puranik
10.25-10.35 Aerosol Impacts over India. Menas Kafatos, Sudipta Sarkar, Ramesh P Singh
10.35 – 11.00 Coffee
Break/ Posters and Exhibition
Technical Session VII - Continued
Air Pollution
(11.00 – 12.45)
Chairperson – Dr Sanjay Limaye
Invited Lectures
11.00-11.25 Chemical Uptake of Acidic Species by Mineral Aerosols over a Semi-Arid Region. Neeraj Rastogi and M M Sarin
Contributed Papers
11.25-11.35 Association between First Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Warming and Volcanic aerosols. Indira Sudhir Joshi and Sopan Kurkute
11.35-11.45 Size distribution of suspended particulate matter and metals in atmospheric aerosols in Delhi. Arun Srivastava and V K Jain
11.45-11.55 A case study on the impact of wet removal on Aerosol spectral optical depth and retrieved size distributions. Auromeet Saha and K Krishna Moorthy
11.55-12.05 Determination of Mixing Layer Height Using Lidar. Manoj K Srivastava, Giovanni Martucci, Valentin Mitev, Renaud Matthey, Max Frioud and Hans Richner
12.05-12.15 Seasonal distributions in black carbon and carbon monoxide emissions from biomass burning in India. C Venkataraman, G Habib, J F Leon, O Boucher, D G Streets, M Shrivastava, A K Chaudhary, M S Reddy, B Crouzille
12.15-12.25 Inter-Comparison of Aerosol Parameters over Kanpur, Northern India Retrieved from Ground-Based Radiometer and Satellite Data. Sagnik Dey, S N Tripathi, A Chandel, S Srivastava and Ramesh P Singh
12.25-12.35 Application of an Empirical Model for Forecasting Summer Monsoon Rainfall at Trombay, Mumbai. V J Daoo
12.35-12.45 Carbonaceous Constituents And Radiation Absorption Of Aerosols Emitted From Biofuel Combustion. G Habib, C Venkataraman, A Eiguren-Fernandez, A H Miguel, T C Bond S K Friedlander
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch/Posters
and Exhibition
Technical Session VIII
Atmospheric Aerosol Characterization
(14.00 – 16.30)
Chairperson – Dr B K Sapra
14.00-14.10 Aerosol Optical Depths over A High Altitude Station: - Nainital: Spectral Characteristics And Forenoon-Afternoon Asymmetry. U C Dumka, Brijesh Kumar, P Pant, K Krishna Moorthy, Ram Sagar and Auromeet Saha
14.20-14.30 Temporal Variations in Aerosol Properties in the Nepal Himalaya and Their Relationship with Atmospheric Circulation. Arun B Shrestha, Michael H Bergin , Christian M Carrico and Jack E Dibb
14.30-14.40 Spatial and Temporal Variations of Boundary Layer Aerosols Over Arabian Sea During Pre-Monsoon Period. Prabha R Nair, Sunil Kumar S V, Susan George K, and K. Parameswaran
14.40-14.50 Aerosol Black Carbon over Coastal Arabian Sea During Inter Monsoon and Summer Monsoon Seasons during Armex – II. K Krishna Moorthy, S Suresh Babu and S K Satheesh
14.50-15.00 Aerosol Optical Properties over the Arabian Sea during Inter-Monsoon: Effect of Long-Range Transport. S Suresh Babu, K Krishna Moorthy and S K Satheesh
15.00-15.10 Physical and Chemical Properties of Aerosols in Urban and Semi Urban Environments. P S Praveen, P D Safai, P S P Rao, D M Chate, K Ali, G A Momin, S Tiwari and P C S Devara
15.10 – 15.30 Coffee Break
15.30-15.40 Spatial Variation in Aerosol Characteristics Studied During the ISRO-GBP Land-Campaign, Feb. 2004. Dilip Ganguly, A Jayaraman, H Gadhavi and T A Rajesh
15.40-15.50 Spatial Gradients in Aerosol optical depth and columnar size characteristics over Arabian Sea and Tropical Indian Ocean. Auromeet Saha and K Krishna Moorthy
15.50-16.00 Diurnal Variation of Soot over Urban Areas of Hyderabad. K Madhavi Latha and K V S Badarinath
16.00-16.10 Aerosol Variations of Regions along the West Coast of India. T Suresh, A Rodrigues, K Ramdasan
16.10-16.20 Spatial variation of Aerosol Optical Depth over the oceanic regions surrounding India using IRS P4 OCM data. Indrani Das and M Mohan
16.20-16.30 Twilight Probing of Dust Particles in the Middle Atmosphere During Leonid Meteor Shower 2003. B Padma Kumari, V P Kanawade, H K Trimbake and D B Jadhav
16.30 Closing Ceremony
Poster Session (Opening: Monday, November 15, 2004; 13.00 Hrs; Closing: Wednesday, November 17, 2004; 17.00 Hrs)
§ Aerosol mass size distribution and its in relation with meteorological parameters over urban areas. K Madhavi Latha and K V S Badarinath
§ Environmental Policy – A Requirement of Survival of Humankind. V N Sastry
§ Possible Causes of Chilled Climatic Condition Occurred During January 2003 in Northern India and Its Impact on Environment and National Food Security. G C Kisku and S K Bhargava
§ Characterization of Sodium Aerosols Produced During Performance Testing of Sodium Leak Collection Tray. V Subramanian, R Baskaran, T S Selvakumarn, F C Parida and S E Kannan
§ Aerosol Size Distributions over the Southeast Arabian Sea during Pre-Monsoon Season. P Ernest Raj, K K Dani, S K Saha and P C S Devara
§ Spatial Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth over Arabian Sea: Effect of Long-Range Transport. Auromeet Saha and K Krishnamoorthy
§ Observation of latitudinal and vertical distribution of infra-red radiative force using radiometer sonde over Indian Ocean during the INDOEX IFP-1999 and its comparison with other Indian ground stations. Ravi Kumar, T K Mandal, S K Peshin and A P Mitra
§ Scaling of microwave radiances to layer averaged relative humidity. V O John and S A Buehler
§ Direct Radiative Forcing of Sulfur and Soot Aerosols in Southeastern U.S.and Its Relevance to Indian Monsoon Clouds. Vinod K Saxena, Ali H Omar, Surabi Menon and Tihomir Novakov
§ Long Term Variability in Absorbing Aerosol Loading Over India Detected By TOMS. Gazala Habib, Chandra Venkataraman, Isabelle Chiapello, S Ramachandran, Olivier Boucher, M Shekar Reddy
§ Estimation of percent reduction in conductivity from Ion-aerosol balance equation. K Nagaraja, B S N Prasad, N Srinivas and M S Madhava
§ Variation of indoor radon and thoron progeny levels in different types of dwellings in Mysore city. J Sannappa, M S Chandrashekara and L Paramesh
§ Monitoring and Control of Air Pollution Exposure due to Domestic Cooking in Urban Areas. Gangamma S, Suresh K Varghese, Rashmi S Patil and Virendra Sethi
§ Ground-based Radiometric Measurements of Aerosols and Pre-cursor Gases Over Pune and Their Comparison with TOMS and MODIS Satellite Data. R L Bhawar and P C S Devara
§ Seasonal Variations of Lower Tropospheric Aerosol Layers Observed Using Lida. Veerabuthiran S, Satyanarayana M, Ramakrishna Rao D, Presennakumar B, Mohankumar S V, Muraleedharan Nair, S and Sreeja R
§ Studies on Aerosol Optical Depth over Biomass Burning Areas Using Synchronous Satellite and Ground Based Measurements. K Madhavi Latha and K V S Badarinath
§ Studies on atmospheric electrical conductivity related to radon and its progeny concentrations in the lower atmosphere at Mysore. M S Chandrashekara, J Sannappa and L Paramesh
§ A Study of Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of Indoor Radon Concentrations in Uttaranchal. R C Ramola and V M Choubey
§ Arsenicals Emission from Semiconductor and Opto-Electro Facilities and Effect on Surrounding Air Quality. HungMin Chein, Yu-Du Hsu, Shankar G Aggarwal, Tzu-Ming Chen, Chun-Chao Huang
§ Pinatubo Effects: Aerosol Size Distribution. N V Raju, T K Umesh and B Narasimhamurthy
§ Heavy Metal And Soot Addition In Lubricating Oil of EGR Operated Diesel Engine. Shrawan Kumar Singh, Avinash Kumar Agarwal and Mukesh Sharma
§ Mechanism of Surfactant Application in Scrubbing of Inorganic Wastes Gases. HungMin Chein, Shankar G Aggarwal, Hsin-Hsien Wu
§ Size Distributions of Particulate Matter in Producer Gas Generated From Thermal Biomass Gasifiers. N Selvakumar, Pravina P Parikh and Virendra Sethi
§ On Correlation of Chemical Species in Atmosphere. Sukarma Thareja
§ Exposure to Soapstone dust in pesticides manufacturing - A preliminary study. L J Bhagia, J B Vyas, R A Rathod and H N Saiyed
§ Study of atmospheric Aerosols in the Environment at Pune. N Shantikumar, G R Aher and V V Agashe
§ Atmospheric Turbidity over Mysore (12.3°N). K E Ganesh, T K Umesh and B Narasimhamurthy
§ Identification of Cloudy Pixels Using NOAA-AVHRR Data. Rashi Agarwal, D Singh and K P Singh
§ Ozone levels in lower atmosphere of Yanbu industrial city. Joseph Sebastian Paimpillil and Vincent Joseph Mecheery
§ PM10 Mass Concentration in Residential Homes Located in Different Environment in Agra, India – A Case Study. Alfred J Lawrence and Ajay Taneja
§ Monitoring of Benzene in Ambient Air at Traffic Junctions in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. J R Toravi, R D Karnik and M Y Chikhale
§ Real-Time Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations in South Indian City of Mysore. Pramod Pai, Andrew Maynard, Penny Rechkemmer, B S N Prasad, Gurumurthy Ramachandran, S L Belagali
§ Heavy Metals exposure study in Silver Foundaries Situated in Ahmedabad. N G Sathwara, C B Pandya, L J Bhagia, G L Pandya, J B Vyas, Shruti Patel, S K Dave and D J Parikh
§ Impact of Fly Ash in formation of Aerosols. Dr Kanjan Upadhyay.
§ Chemical Characteristics of Fine and Coarse Aerosols at Sinhagad – A High Altitude Location. P S P Rao, P S Praveen, P D Safai, G A Momin, K Ali, D M Chate L Granat, H Rodhe
§ Spectral Characteristics and columnar size distribution of Aerosols over Arabian Sea and Tropical Indian Ocean. Auromeet Saha, K Krishna Moorthy
§ Sampling and Analysis of PM2.5 from IC engines: Determination of Hydrocarbons Using Thermo-gravimetric Analysis. Nitin Goyal and Virendra Sethi
§ Wet Scrvenging of Atmospheric Arosols through Fog at a Rural site of Assam. Monika J Kulshrestha, U C Kulshrestha, R Sekar, A K Hazarika, N C Dey and P G Rao
§ Chemical Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols at an Urban Site of South Central India. U C Kulshrestha, S Azhaguvel, T Nageswararao and R Sekar
§ Phase Function Dependence on Relative Humidity: Implications To Satellite Remote Sensing. Amit Misra and A Jayaraman
§ Particle Deposition in Human Lungs: Effect of Water-soluble Fraction. Suresh K Varghese, Virendra Sethi and Neil E Klepeis