Dr. Santanu De, Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Research Projects


1. Mixing and Autoignition of Dimethyl Ether Jets in a Preheated Turbulent Coflowing Air Stream, 50.0 lakhs, SERB - Early Career Research Award

2. Development of pressurized dual fluidized bed gasifier for high-ash Indian coal, 400.0 lakhs, (PI: Santanu De; Co-PIs from IITK: Shantanu Bhattacharya, Bishakh Bhattacharya, Vaibhav Arghode; Co-PIs from CSIR-CMERI: Pradeep K. Chatterjee, Malay Karmakar, Chanchal Loha), Sponsor: IMPRINT MHRD and Ministry of Coal

3. Decentralized power generation using micro gas turbines, 398.96 lakhs (PI: Santanu De; Co-PIs: Jishnu Bhattacharya, Shantanu Bhattacharya, Bishakh Bhattacharya, Subrata Sarkar), Sponsor: IMPRINT MHRD and Ministry of Power.

4. Lean Premixed Prevaporized Combustion of Diesel and Biofuels in a Laboratory-scale Gas Turbine Combustor, 47.5 lakh, Mar 2019-Mar 2021 (IITK: PI: Santanu De, Co-PI: Alakesh Chandra Mandal, Lund Univ.: PI: Jens Klingmann, Co-PI: M. Genrup), Sponsor: SPARC, MHRD.



1. Multiple Mapping Conditioning Method for Lifted Jet Diffusion Flames, 39.0 lakhs, Mar 2016-Mar 2018, IITK Research Initiation Grant