Sreerup Raychaudhuri
I am a theoretical high energy physicist by training and practice, which means that I study the physics of elementary particles and their interactions. The particular area in which I specialise is called high energy physics phenomenology, which means that I analyse experimental results in high energy physics in the light of theoretical ideas and try to predict new experimental results which can test some of these theories. This requires me to work at the interface of theory and experiment and involves me in a great deal of computational work, especially computer simulation of high energy experiments. Thus, my research involves three strands: theory, experiment and computation.
summary  of  my  doctoral research
summary  of  my  postdoctoral  research
current  interests  and  activities
recent seminars and colloquia
my  publications:       graphical         text
high  energy  physics  group  in  IITK
graduate students
some of my collaborators

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