* Recent citation of our work in the 6th Edition of "Fluid Mechanics" by Frank M White

In this research, we are interested in understanding the lift generation mechanism with respect to flow past rotating cylinders. In the first paper below we have written a short historical note about this effect vis-a-vis its current status. The power-point presentation also provides the same, but with more graphic materials and animations to highlight the same.

In performing this research we have found out a new instability mechanism for such flows that was announced in: (1) Magnus effect at high speed ratio: Nair, MT and TK Sengupta (In the Proc. of 3rd ACFD conference(1998)); (2) Lift generation and limiting mechanism via unsteady flow development for Magnus- Robins effect: TK Sengupta, K Gupta and MT Nair (In the Proc. of 8th ACFM conference (1999)). A more detailed and up to date account is provided in: Temporal flow instability for Magnus-Robins effect at high rotation rates- TK Sengupta, A Kasliwal, S De and M Nair (Jour. Fluids and Structures, vol. 17, pp. 941-953 (2003)).