Literature Review
Much interest has been shown in the past
in the field of reasoning the typographical features of a document. Of
these, the most looked into fields have been font recognition and
character identification. But still, not much work has been done in understanding
document structures at a higher level. High Level Document Recognition
can have tremendous applications in formalizing specific document structures
and their verification as pointed out by Nenad Marovas.
In past , many formalisms focused on discretised
models of document recognition. These models do not preserve the topological
information such as tangency and they work in a numeric framework.
Some other techniques ,analogous to compiler design, have been implemented
by people in the past to build a context free grammar encompassing a large
class of documents.
Nenad Marovac
May 30,1991
Document Recognition- Concepts and Implementations
This paper evolves a two pass strategy for document
recognition. The first pass is parsing of the document based on a recognition
table which stores the document structure recognition rules that are used
to recognize logical constructs within the document. In the second stage,
the interactive editing of the logical structure for the document, tasks
such as optimal manipulation of the document, reformatting and fast display
generation, is performed. The emphasis has been towards developing a recognition
driving rules language and a compiler and generalizing them to an organisation-wide
data base of documents. The methodology includes a heuristic based approach
to recognizing documents rather than adopting absolute measures of the
document .
Amitabha Mukerjee and Hiroko
Qualitative Reasoning about Document Structures
This paper describes a qualitative approach to
obtaining the context from the spatial layout of a document, enhancing
to recognizing a generic classes of documents independent of formatting
and scaling. The paper uses the Office Document Architecture standards
to relate to the representations. The implementation of interval algebra
with a set of grammar rules is used in logical structure identification.
RLSA and RXYC are used in segmentation into blocks. The paper provides
a programmer independent vocabulary for the representation of documents
which is:
Independent of any specific document
Apt for describing all inter-block constraints
Independent of imaging scale and global positions
It is a tool to obtain simple contextual information from generic classes
of block structured images.
K.Y. Wong , R. G. Casey and F. M.
1982, The IBM J. of Res. and Dev.
Document Analysis System
This document describes, among other things, the
RLSA algorithm for document image segmentation. It presents the design
of a full-fledged Document Analysis System. However, the authors have only
shown implementation of the document layout analysis part. The first step
in the document analysis procedure is to segment and classify the document
into text and image regions. A non-linear, smoothing algorithm is used
for this purpose. By using regular features of text lines, text blocks
are discriminated from others. After this an adaptive approach to
recognition of hundreds of font and character sizes is shown. Finally,
some experimental results for some prototypes are shown.
Differences in the Present Approach from the Past Work :
In our project ,we propose to concentrate on generating
and reconciling the document structure with the available grammar. We wish
to further extend the scope of the problem to implement a strategy to unify
the grammar for a generic class of documents . We use a blend of
approaches that were used in the past:
The present approach uses both RXYC and RLSA for image segmentation.
Some typesetting heuristics are also used in the image processing phase.
A simplification through induction of Block Ordering - from top-left to
bottom-right in the Block structured document image.
The interval algebra concept for the characterization of blocks within
the document. Qualitatively resolving the block structure into well defined
grammar clauses .
The context free grammar for document description is transitive
and hierarchical in nature.