Applied Mathematical Methods
- Bhaskar Dasgupta

For Readers

The author thinks that the ideal method to read this book involves the following aspects.
  • The last tip is perhaps the most important. You may like to read that first.
  • Read chapters in the sequential order.
  • In every chapter, first read through the text once and attempt the exercises. Cross-check with appendix. Read the chapter once more carefully, note important points and make mental connections. Attempt the problems that did not crack the first time. Check again with appendix.
  • If you are studying the book in a course, then make it a point to read up a chapter before the corresponding lecture. Similarly, if your course has tutorials, then make it a point to attempt some exercises before the corresponding tutorial session.
  • If you find that you do not have the time to complete all exercises of a chapter, then stay limited to a selection of exercises in the interest of moving on with the progress of the course. You can find one such selected list in my own semester course plan for students and tutors.
  • Do not leave the exercises altogether, particularly the simple ones. If they are simple, then they are likely to take very little time. On the other hand, if they take too much time, then perhaps they are not that simple and you do need the practice. Often, they are vital for a proper appreciation of the following chapters.
  • If a particular chapter seems particularly difficult or out of your taste/need, then skip it after just one reading. Make a note of the need to come back to it later.
  • While reading later chapters, note and correlate ideas of earlier chapters, their exercises and the current chapter.
  • After you are through with one round of reading, make a plan to go through it once again in any sequence that suits you. At the time of conducting this revision, also note the references that you would like to consult later for detailed study of your favourite topics.
  • While going through the book, if you keep forgetting these instructions, then it may mean that you have hit upon your own ideal method to read it. In that case, ignore the above tips and stick to your method.
- Bhaskar Dasgupta