Module 6 :
Lecture 18 : The Law of the Wall for Wall Bounded Flows

Consider Prandtl's mixing length hypothesis



Where, the mixing length is given by


The parameter is called Von-Karman constant.

Here, Karman assumed that should be a function of the distance from the wall in a wall bounded turbulent flow, rather than a constant as taken by Prandtl in the case of free turbulent flows. Substituting (18.15) and (18.16) into (18.14), we obtain



Integrating (18.19) between 0 and y+ , we get


where, and . These are near-universal constants for turbulent flow past smooth impermeable walls eventhough C varies slightly with the pressure gradient.

Equation (18.20) is called the Logarithmic Law of the wall, which is valid for , the so called inertial sublayer.

Barenblatt and Chorin (1998) introduced a Law of the wall which is given by



where and

The law emphasizes the dependence of the equation on the Reynolds number.



Barenblatt, G.I. and Chorin, A.J., 1998, Scaling of the Intermediate Region in Wall-bounded Turbulence: The Power Law, Phys. Fluids , Vol. 10, pp.