S.No. Project Title Authority Funding Agency Amount of Grant (in Rs) Duration Date of Start Status
26. Conformal, Transparent and Lightweight Microwave Absorbers for Ground and Space Applications-Phase-2 Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. Raghvendra K. Chaudhary, Prof. J. Ramkumar) STC-IITK, URSC ISRO Bangalore 27.84 Lacs 2 Years Feb 2024 On-going
25. Design and Demonstration of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) Assisted Internet of Things for 6G/ 7G Communication Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. Saptarshi Ghosh, IIT Indore) SERB, New Delhi 24.86 Lacs 3 Years Jan 2023 On-going
24. Design and Development of Mobile Handset MIMO Antenna for 5G Applications Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. A. R. Harish) SERB, New Delhi 73.91 Lacs 2 Years Feb. 2022 Completed
23. Conformal, Transparent and Lightweight Microwave Absorbers for Ground and Space Applications Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. S. Anantha Ramakrishna, Prof. J. Ramkumar) STC-IITK, URSC ISRO Bangalore 24.75 Lacs 2 Years Jan. 2020 Completed
22. Design and Development of Textile based Metamaterial Absorber for RADAR Stealth Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. S. Anantha Ramakrishna, Prof. J. Ramkumar) IMPRINT, SERB 116.85 Lacs 3 Years March 2019 Completed
21. Ku-K-Ka band phased array antenna for SATCOM on-the-move applications Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. A. R. Harish) IMPRINT, SERB 80.74 Lacs 3 Years March 2019 Completed
20. Parallel Electromagnetic Solver for Microwave, Infrared and Optical Applications Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. M. K. Verma, Co-Investigator: Prof. S A Ramakrishna) STC-IITK, SAC Ahmedabad 24.90 Lacs 2 Years April 2018 Completed
19. RCS Reduction of A Winged Store Using Metamaterials And Electromagnetic Soft Surfaces Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. S. Anantha Ramakrishna) DRDO, RCI Hyderabad 24.53 Lacs 1 Year April 2018 Completed
18. Antenna Positioner System Principal Investigator FIST, DST 30.00 Lacs 5 Years June 2017 Completed
17. Design of Conformal Microwave Metamaterial Absorber Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. S. Anantha Ramakrishna) DRDO, DL, Jodhpur 39.24 Lacs 3 Years May 2017 Completed
16. Investigation on RCS Reduction Characteristics of Conformal Narrow Band Metamaterials Absorber for Complex Shapes Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. S. Anantha Ramakrishna) DRDO, RCI,Hyderabad 9.94 Lacs 1 Year May 2017 Completed
15. GaN HEMT based circuit design solutions and product demonstration for defense and space applications Co-Investigator (PI: Dr. Yogesh S. Chauhan, Co-PI: Dr. Sandeep Anand) MHRD-IMPRINT, Govt. of India 139 Lacs 3 Years March 2016 Completed
14. Design of Compact Multi-band Multi-polarized Antennas for Wireless Communication Systems Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. A. R. Harish) SERB, India 36.38 Lacs 2 Years Jan. 2016 Completed
13. HEMT Modeling for Broad Temperature and Frequency Ranges Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. Y S Chauhan) STC-IITK, SAC Ahmedabad 22.60 Lacs 2 Years July 2015 Completed
12. Applications of Metamaterial Mushroom Structure for Realization of Planar Single/Triple Passband Filter for Significant Size Reduction Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. A Biswas, Co-PI: Prof. M J Akhtar) STC-IITK, ISRO 26.40 Lacs 2 Years July 2015 Completed
11. Microwave Metamaterial Absorbers Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. A Biswas) STC-IITK, SAC Ahmedabad 18.72 Lacs 2 Years July 2014 Completed
10. Design of Metamaterial Absorber for L, S and C Band Principal Investigator DRDO, DL Jodhpur 9.86 Lacs 1.5 Years Jan. 2014 Completed
9. Planar High Gain Antennas based on Electromagnetic Bandgap Concept Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. A Biswas) Indo-Australian Joint Project, DST 24.05 Lacs 3 Years Oct 2013 Completed
8. Metamaterials and Plasmonic Structured Materials for Controlling Radiation Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. S A Ramakrishna, Co. P.I.: Prof. J. Ramkumar, Co-PI: Prof. H Wanare) DRDO, IRDE Dehradun 281.00 Lacs 3 Years July 2012 Completed
7. Multi-layer Multi-permittivity Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wideband Applications Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. A. Biswas) SERB, India 41.26 Lacs 2 Years Sept. 2012 Completed
6. Development of 3-D Multipacting Analysis Code for RF Couplers Co-Investigator (P.I.: Prof. A. R. Harish) BRNS, BARC 12.01 Lacs 2 Years Sept. 2011 Completed
5. Analytical Model for Contact-less Power Transfer Principal Investigator GE India Technology Centre Bangalore 9.09 Lacs 1 Year July 2011 Completed
4. Development of Dielectric Resonators for Applications to Microwave Systems Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Prof. A Biswas) SAC Ahmedabad, ISRO 33.27 Lacs 2 Years Nov 2010 Completed
3. RF and Microwave Characterization Laboratory Co-Investigator (PI: Dr. M. J. Akhtar) MHRD India 43.00 Lacs 3 Years June 2010 Completed
2. Design of Compact Band-pass Filter using Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line Principal Investigator SERB India 12.80 Lacs 2 Years Feb 2010 Completed
1. Focusing of Electromagnetic Energy using Meta-materials Principal Investigator IIT Kanpur 10.00 Lacs 1 Year Feb 2009 Completed