Home Page Of
Professor Ashok Sengupta
Department of Mechanical Engineering, and
Nuclear Engineering and Technology Programme
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, INDIA
E-mail: osegu@iitk.ac.in
Telephone: +91 0512 2597035 (Office)/ 2598705 (House)
Fax: +91 0512 2597408/ 2590007
In: Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2009 Edition

"The research that has the most profound impact on knowledge and understanding, and so often that which ultimately has the most profound impact on everyday life, is that driven by curiosity rather than immediate application.  In a world in which funding bodies tend to support research that is programmatic and promises predetermined deliverables, the
Founding Director (effectve January 1, 2007)
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Camp: Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
"The research that has the most profound impact on knowledge and understanding, and so often that which ultimately has the most profound impact on everyday life, is that driven by curiosity rather than immediate application. In a world in which funding bodies tend to support research that is programmatic and promises predetermined deliverables,freedom provided by the Institute to its Faculty and Members is increasingly rare. The Institute exists to encourage and support fundamental scholarship – the original, often speculative, thinking that produces advances in knowledge 
(it) is dedicated to the disinterested pursuit of knowledge."

        "How does the irreversibility of macroscopic phenomena arise? It certainly dos not come from the fundamental laws of physics, because these are all reversible. Each individual (forward) event would look perfectly reasonable viewed in reverse, but when we add them all together we obtain a process which would look stupid run backwards. How can we obtain an irreversibe process from the combined effect of very many reversible processes? Unfortunately we are not quite at the stage where we can formulate a convincing answer. Howecer, the essential irreversibility of macroscopic phenomena is one of the key results of statistical  thermodynamics"  --- Richard Fitzpatrick, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanis: An Intermediate Level Course
Is Quantum Mechanics an effective linear representaion of the nonlinear multifunctional holism of maximal illposedness?   What, Why? ChaNoXity 
Special Session: Dissipative Systems, FIT, Melbourne, USA, August 2005
International Workshop: Mathematics & Physics of Complex and Nonlinear Systems, IIT Kanpur, March 2004
Organized Session: Ill Posed Problems and Complex Dynamical Systems, Catania, Italy July 2000
    "The important point in our general understanding of social systems is that self-organizing systems can break symmetry and create real behavioural differences between populations that were hitherto identical. This means that a system with internal diversity can evolve qualitatively over time, and this diversity doesn't even need to be real. It only needs to reside as a 'speculation' in an actor's mind and that may be enough for non-linear interactions to amplify into a real presence. "Our example shows us that the evolutionary diversity of systems emerges from within them and can fashion their evolutionary pathway." --- P. M. Allen, M. Strathern and J. S. Baldwin In Uncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems, Eds: R. R. McDaniel, Jr. and D. J. Driebe, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2005)