Santosha Pattanayak
Department of Mathematics and
IIT Kanpur
Office FB- 502
santosha@iitk.ac.in |
- Algebraic Groups and Geometric
Invariant Theory.
- Lie (super)algebras and Representation
- Schubert Calculus and Algebraic
- Professor: IIT Kanpur; January
- Associate Professor: IIT
Kanpur; November 2018-December 2022
- Assistant Professor: IIT Kanpur;
December '13-October 18
- Visiting Professor: Virginia
Tech, USA: January' 17-July' 17
- Adjunct Professor: Chennai Mathematical
Institute; April' 15-...
- Assistant Professor: NISER
Bhubaneswar; August '13- December '13
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Weizmann
Institute of Science; Aug '11- Aug '13
- Ph.D: Chennai Mathematical Institute
- MSc: Hyderabad University (2005)
- Fall '24: MTH739: Lie Groups
and Lie algebras.
- Spring' 24: MTH 759: Algebraic
Topology II.
- Fall' 23: MTH 667: Algebraic Geometry
and Algebraic Groups.
- Spring' 23: MTH204 &
MTH-204A: Abstract Algebra.
- Fall' 22: Vector Bundles and
Characteristic classes.
- Summer' 22: MTH204 &
MTH-204A: Abstract Algebra.
- Fall '21: MTH-101: Calculus.
- Summer '21: MTH-204
& MTH-204A: Abstract Algebra.
- Spring '21: MTH-641
& MTH-641A: Lie Algebras and
Representation Theory .
- Fall '20: MTH-613 &
MTH-613A: Rings and Modules.
- Spring '20: MTH-641
& MTH-641A: Lie Algebras and
Representation Theory .
- Fall '19: MTH 667: Algebraic
Geometry and Algebraic Groups.
- Summer'19: MTH-102:
Linear Algebra and ODE.
- Spring'19: MTH-102: Linear Algebra
and ODE.
- Fall '18: Vector Bundles and
Characteristic classes.
- Summer '18: MTH-102: Linear
algebra and ODE.
- Spring '18: MTH-751: Algebra for
PhD students.
- Fall '17: MTH-201 & MTH-201A:
Linear Algebra
- Fall '16: MTH-204
& MTH-204A: Abstract Algebra.
- Summer '16: MTH-102: Linear
algebra and ODE.
- Spring '16: MTH-751:
Algebra for PhD students.
- Fall ' 15: MTH-611
& MTH-611A: Algebra-II.
- Summer '15: MTH-204
& MTH-204A: Abstarct Algebra.
- Spring '15: MTH-641
& MTH-641A: Lie Algebras and
Representation Theory .
- Summer '14: MTH-201
& MTH-201A: Linear Algebra.
- Fall Semester '14: MTH-204 & MTH-204A:
Abstarct Algebra.
(25) A
Product formula for the restriction of
characters to principal SL_2 (with N Santosh
and D. Prasad), preprint.
Topological K-theory of Peterson varieties,
Subtorus quotient of Grassmannians, (with
B.N. Chary and S.S. Kannan), Preprint.
(22) Invariant Theory of the Queer color
group (with Tinu Dhali and Preena Samuel),
(21) Generalized
Casimir operators for Loop Lie superalgebras (with
Abhishek Das), Submitted.
(20) Mixed tensor invariants of
the Lie color algebras (with
Preena Samuel), Submitted.
Quotients of commuting schemes associated to
symmetric pairs (with N Santosh), To
appear in Transformation Groups (2025).
On tensor products of typical
representations of Lie superalgebras
(with Abhishek Das), Submitted.
Graded picture invariants and polynomial
invariants for mixed tensor superspaces
(with Preena Samuel), Journal of Algebra, Volume 661,
1 January 2025, Pages 595-621.
On some central operators on classical
Lie superalgebras (with Sachin
Sharma and S. Mukherjee), Journal of
Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 228,
Issue 7, 2024 .
Weyl Modules for Toroidal Lie algebras
(with Sachin Sharma
and S. Mukherjee), Algebra and
Representation Theory,
Volume 26, 2023, 2605-2626.
A note on Branching of $V(\rho)$
(with N Santosh), Journal of Algebra, Volume
594, 2022, 194-201.
On the uniqueness of branching to
fixed point Lie subalgebras, (With
N Santosh), Forum
On Torus quotient of Schubert
varieties (With B.N. Chary),
International Journal of Mathematics,
32, no 3 (2021).
Projective Normality of torus quotient
of Grassmannian (With Arpita
Nayek), Journal of Pure and Applied
Algebra (2020).
Torus quotients of Richardson varieties
in orthogonal and symplectic
Grassmannian (With Arpita Nayek), J.
Algebra Appl. (2019).
Torus quotients of Richardson varieties
(With S. S. Kannan and S. Upadhyay), Comm.
Algebra, Vol. 46, no. 3 (2018).
Projective normality of GIT quotient
varieties modulo finite groups (With
Pallav Goyal), Comm.
Algebra, Vol. 45, no. 7 (2017).
Minimal Schubert Varieties admitting
semistable points for exceptional cases,
Comm. Algebra, Vol. 42, no. 9
(2014). finalstrings,
Torus Invariants of the Homogeneous
Coordinate Ring of G/B-Connection with
Coxeter Elements (With S.S. Kannan and B.N.
Chary), Comm. Algebra, Vol. 42, no.
5 (2014).
(5) On
some standard algebras in Modular Invariant
theory, J. Algebra Appl., Vol. 13,
no. 1 (2014).
Normality, Projective normality and EGZ
theorem (With S. S. Kannan), INTEGERS:
The Electronic
Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory,
Vol 11 (2011).
Projective Normality of Weyl Group quotients
(With S. S. Kannan), Proc. Indian. Acad.
Sci. Math. Sci. 121 (2011), no. 1, pp.
Torus quotients of homogeneous spaces-
minimal dimensional Schubert Varieties
admitting semistable points (With S. S.
Kannan), Proc. Indian Acad.
Sci. Math. Sci. 119 (2009),
no.4, 469-485.
(1) Projective normality of finite
group quotients (With S. S. Kannan and Pranab
Sardar), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137
(2009), no. 3, 863-867.
(1) Problem Committee
Member: Simon-Marai Mathematics Competition (Asia
(2) Regional Coordinator (North
Zone): Mathematics Olympiad Program.
Birth Centenary Celebration at IIT Kanpur
Last modified: 19 Aug
2024. |