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Sanjay Kumar Bose

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Qualifications  B.Tech (IIT/K), M.S. & Ph.D. (Stony Brook, USA)
Designation  Professor
Address  Department of Electrical Engineering, I.I.T., Kanpur - 208 016, INDIA            
Telephone No.  +91 512 597002 (office), 590697 (lab), 598580 (home)
FAX  +91 512 590063, 590260
Email Address,

LectHall.jpg (34389 bytes)IIT/K Central Library

Areas of Interest

Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Communication Networks
Performance of WDM Systems
ATM Networks
Queuing Networks    QNAT Software
Network Applications
Multiple Access Schemes
Mobile Satellite Systems
Communication & Queueing Related Software Development

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Associated Projects

ERNET - Education and Research Network
Telematics Project
Consultancy Project with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Member, Technical Activities Board, Cradle Technologies (India)

IIT/K Western Lab

Ph.D. Theses Guided

[1] K.K. Islam, "Digital Protection of EHV/UHV Transmission Line"
[2] B. Venkataramani, "Queueing Analysis of a Non-preemptive MMPP/D/1/K Priority System for Applications in ATM Networks"
[3] M.V. Vinodkumar, "A Flow Model Based, Control Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Routing in Some Structured Communication Networks"
[4] T.S. Rao, "Approximate Modeling of the Call-level Output Process of an ATM Switch"
[5] Vivek Mudgil, "A Study of QoS based Management of Congestion using Backpressure Mechanism and Call Admission Control in ATM Networks"

Publications & Patents

Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Technical Reports
In a Lighter Vein ........if you can spare some time for light-hearted stuff!.......

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Hardware and Software of PCs

Society Memberships

Senior Member, IEEE (Chairperson, IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section, 1996, 1997)
Member, Sigma Xi
Member, Eta Kappa Nu
Fellow, IETE (India)

IIT/K New CSE Bldg.

Past Associations

Member, Technical Staff, Corporate R & D, General Electric Co. Schenectady, NY, USA
Visiting Faculty, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Visiting Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Visiting Faculty, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Visiting Faculty, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Senior Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

University of Pretoria

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