- Digital Systems: From Gates to Microprocessors, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
(1986, 1992), Halsted Press (1986).
- Hardware and Software of Personal Computers, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
- Contributing Author to PC Interfacing for Laboratory Data
Acquisition & Process Control, ed. Sanjay Gupta and J.P. Gupta,
Instrument Society of America (1989).
- Contributing author to Satellite Communications: Mobile and Fixed
Services, ed. M.J. Miller, B. Vucetic, Les Berry, Kluwer Academic Publishers
- NCC'95, Proceedings of the First National Communications Conference,
Kanpur, India, March 13-14, 1995, ed. Vishawanath Sinha, Sanjay K. Bose,
Allied Publishers, 1995
- NCC-2001, Proceedings of the Seventh National Communications Conference,
Kanpur, India, January 27-28, 2001, ed. Vishawanath Sinha, Sanjay K. Bose,
Ajit K. Chaturvedi, Allied Publishers, 2001
- Introduction to Queuing Systems,
Kluwer/Plenum Publishers (2001)
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