1. A Note on Right Invariant Integrals on Locally Compact Semigroups.Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.8, 1968 (512-514).
2. A Stone-Weierstrass Theorem for Semigroups.(with T.P. Srinivasan), Bulletin of American Mathematical Society, Vol.74, 1968 (1125-1127).
3. Sets of Synthesis and Sets of Interpolation for Weighted Fourier Algebras,Arkiv for Matematik, Vol.9, 1971 (205-210).
4. Harmonic Synthesis of Kronecker Sets, Thin Sets of Harmonic Analysis, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.2, 1971, Marcel Dekker, New York (29-40).
5. Ismomorphisms of Some Convolution Algebras and Their Multiplier Algebras, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.7, 1972 (321-335).
6. Subinvariant Integrals and Means on Topological Semigroups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.41, 1973 (328-332).
7. The Algebra of Functions with Fourier Transforms in a Given Function Space, (with A.K. Gupta), Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.9, 1973 (73-82).
8. Multipliers of Segal Algebras, Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, Vol.54, 1976 (157-161)
9. Multipliers Between Some Function Spaces on Groups, (with A.K. Gupta) Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.18, 1978 (1-11).
10. On Multipliers of Segal Algebras, (with M. Dutta), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.72, 1978 (121-124).
11. Isometric Multipliers of Segal Algebras, (with K. Parthasarathy), Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.20, 1979 (105-114).
12. Continuously Translating Vector Valued Measures, (with M. Dutta), Transactions of American Mathematical Society, Vol.257, 1980 (507-519).
13. Unbounded Multipliers on Commutative Banach Algebras, 12th Seminario Brasilerio de Analise, 1980 (99-106).
14. Unifying Congruences on S(I), (with K.D. Magill, Jr. and P.R. Misra), Semigroup Forum, Vol.21, 1980 (361-371).
15. Multipliers of the Group Algebra of Vector Valued Functions, (with M. Dutta and D.P. Vaidya), Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, Vol.81, 1981 (223-229).
16. Multipliers of the Group Algebra of Vector Valued Functions, (with M. Dutta and D.P. Vaidya), Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, Vol.81, 1981 (223-229).
17. Structure Spaces for Sandwich Semigroups, (with K.D. Magill, Jr. and P.R. Misra), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol.99, No.2, 1982 (399-412).
18. Tensor Products of Commutative Banach Algebras, (with M. Dutta and Shobha Madan), International J. Math. and Math. Sci., Vol.5, No.3, 1982 (503-512).
19. A Theorem on Abstract Segal Algebras Over Some Commutative Banach Algebras, (with K. Parthasarathy), Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., Vol.25, No.2, 1982 (293-301).
20. Isomorphisms of Some Segal Algebras and Their Multiplier Algebras, (with K. Parathasarathy), Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., Vol.25, No.3, 1982 (441-451).
21. Symon's d-congruence on Sandwich Semigroups, (with K.D. Magill, Jr. and P.R. Misra), Czech. Math. J., Vol.33(108), 1983 (221-236).
22. Compact Multipliers of Segal Algebras, (with K. Parathasarathy), Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math., 14(2), 1983 (194-201).
23. Isomorphisms of Segal Algebras and Some Related Algebras, (with K. Parathasarathy), Vikram Mathematical Journal, Vol.4, 1983 (25-33).
24. The Multiplier Problem, Mathematics Student, Vol.51, No.1-4, 1983 (206-214).
25. Automorphism Groups of Laminated Near-Rings Determined by Complex Polynomials, (with K.D. Magill, Jr. and P.R. Misra), Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., Vol.26, 1983 (73-84).
26. Finite Automorphism Groups of Laminated Near-Rings, (with K.D. Magill, Jr. and P.R. Misra), Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., Vol.26, 1983 (297-306).
27. An Harmonic Analysis for Operators; F. and M. Riesz Theorems, (with Shobha Madan), Illinois J. Math., Vol.28, No.2, Summer 1984 286-299).
28. Homomorphisms of Segal Algebras, Symposium on Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences held at IIT Kanpur, March 1985.
29. Epimorphisms from S(X) onto S(Y), (with K.D. Magill, Jr. and P.R. Misra), Canadian J. Math., Vol.38, No.3, 1986 (538-551).
30. More on Automorphism Groups of Laminated Near-Rings, (with D.K. Blevins, K.D. Magill, Jr., P.R. Misra and J.C. Parnami), Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., Vol.31, 1988 (185-195).
31. Compactness and Almost Periodicity of Multipliers, Invariant Subspaces and Allied Topics, Editors: Henry Helson and B.S. Yadav, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 1990, (129-136).
32. Almost Periodicity in Operator Algebras, (with S. Somasundaram), Rendiconti Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste, Vol.24, 1992 (39-54).
33. On Extension of Operators on A(K,E) to C(K,E), (with O.P. Kapoor and V.K. Jain), Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, Vol.59, 1993 (215-226).
34. Multipliers of Spaces of Functions on a Compact Abelian Group with p-summable Fourier Transforms, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.47, 1993 (435-442).
35. The Conjugation Operator on Aq(G), (with Shobha Madan and Sanjiv Gupta), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.59, 1993 (215-226).
36. The Class L(Log L)a and Some Lacunary Sets, (with Shobha Madan and Sanjiv Gupta), J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) Vol.58, 1995 (387-403).
37 Isometric Multipliers of the Space of p-integrable Vector Valued Functions, (with Mamta Kamra), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India, V.65(A), 1995 (427-435).
38. The Multiplier Problem, The Mathematics Student, V.65, 1996 (4556).
39. On Existence of Finite Universal Korovkin Sets in the Centre of Group Algebras, (with Manju Rani Agrawal), Monatshefte fur Mathematik V.123, 1997 (1-20).
40. On Universal Korovkin Sets w.r.t. Positive Spectral Contractions, (with Manju Rani Agrawal), Rendiconti del circolo. Matematico di Palermo, V.46, 1997 (361-370).
41. Isometric Isomorphisms of Group Algebras of Vector Valued Functions, (with Mamta Kamra), Journal of Indian Math. Soc. V.64, 1997 (115-123).
42. On Existence of Finite Universal Korovkin Sets in Segal Algebras, (with Manju Rani Agrawal), Rendiconti del circolo Matematico di Palermo, V.47, 1998 (81-90).
43 A Characterization of a Class of [Z] Groups via Korovkin Theory, (with Manju Rani Agrawal), Rendiconti del circolo Matematico di Palermo, V.48, 1999 (123-134).
44. Korovikin Approximation Theory in Harmonic Analysis, Mathematical Analysis and Applications - edited by A.P. Dwivedi, Narosa, 2000, pp. 3-5.
45. Compactly Supported Wavelets - edited by P.K. Jain, H.N. Mahaskar, M. Krishna, J. Prestin & D. Singh, Narosa, 2001, pp. 45-61.
46. Lp-Spaces, Topics in Sobolev Spaces and Applications - edited by D. Bahuguna, V. Raghavendra & B.V. Rathish Kumar, Narosa, 2002, pp. 1-14.
47. Some Multiplier Results on Certain Banach Spaces of Hilbert Space Valued Functions, Proceedings of International Symposium on Mathematics and its Applications, November 13-15, 2002, Calcutta, pp. 51-58.
48 Vector Valued multipliers , J. Analysis, 12, 2004, pp. 99-105.
49. Isometric Multipliers of Lp (G, X) (with P.K. Chaurasia), Proc. Indian Acad. Science (Math. Science), 2005, Vol. 115, No.1, pp. 103-109.
50. Order Convolution and Vector-Valued Multipliers, Colloq.Math. 108 (2007) no.1, 53-61.
51. Closed Range Multipliers, J. Analysis, Volume 17 (2009), 107-113.


A First Course on Representation Theory and Linear Lie Groups, (with S.C. Bagchi, S. Madan and A. Sitaram), University Press, 2000.