1. Energy-efficient Buildings
- Rai AC, 2021. Energy performance of phase change materials integrated into brick masonry walls for cooling load management in residential buildings, Building and Environment 199, 107930, article link.
- Sharma V and Rai AC, 2020. Performance assessment of residential building envelopes enhanced with phase change materials. Energy and Buildings 208, 109664, article link Funding
- 2017-22: BITS Outstanding Potential for Excellence in Research and Academics (OPERA) award, 19.8 lakhs.
2. Climate Change Impact Assessment
- Rai AC, 2021. Energy performance of phase change materials integrated into brick masonry walls for cooling load management in residential buildings, Building and Environment 199, 107930, article link.
- Sharma V and Rai AC, 2020. Performance assessment of residential building envelopes enhanced with phase change materials. Energy and Buildings 208, 109664, article link. Funding
- 2017-22: BITS Outstanding Potential for Excellence in Research and Academics (OPERA) award, 19.8 lakhs.
3. Indoor Air Quality
- Budaniya M and Rai AC, 2021. Phytoremediation of airborne particulate matter in indoor environments. Healthy Buildings Europe, Oslo, Norway. Conferred distinction award!
- Budaniya M and Rai AC. Effectiveness of plants for passive removal of particulate matter is low in the indoor environment. Under review in Building and Environment. Funding
- 2019-22: Assessment of indoor plants for improving air quality in buildings, SERB, 39.71 lakhs.
3.2 Indoor Ozone-initiated Chemistry
- Rai AC, Lin C-H, and Chen Q, 2015. Numerical modeling of particle generation from ozone reactions with human-worn clothing in indoor environments. Atmospheric Environment 102, 145-155, article link
- Rai AC, Lin C-H, and Chen Q, 2014. Numerical modeling of volatile organic compound emissions from ozone reactions with human-worn clothing in an aircraft cabin. HVAC&R Research 20, 922-931, article link
- Rai AC, Guo B, Lin C-H, Zhang J, Pei J, and Chen Q, 2014. Ozone reaction with clothing and its initiated VOC emissions in an environmental chamber. Indoor Air 24, 49-58, article link
- Rai AC, Guo B, Lin C-H, Zhang J, Pei J, and Chen Q, 2013. Ozone reaction with clothing and its initiated particle generation in an environmental chamber. Atmospheric Environment 77, 885-892, article link
- Rai AC and Chen Q, 2012. Simulations of ozone distributions in an aircraft cabin using computational fluid dynamics. Atmospheric Environment 54, 348-357, article link
4. Low-cost Air Pollution Monitors
- Rai AC, Kumar P, Pilla F, Skouloudis AN, Di Sabatino S, Ratti C, Yasar A, and Rickerby D, 2017. End-user perspective of low-cost sensors for outdoor air pollution monitoring. Science of the Total Environment 607, 691-705, article link
- 2020-22: Development of a reliable, low-cost, portable, IoT-enabled, optical device for measuring PM2.5 concentration in air, DST-DDP, 35.96 lakhs.
5. Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrated Solar Power
- 1. Tiwari V, Rai AC, and Srinivasan P, 2021. Parametric analysis and optimization of a latent heat thermal energy storage system for concentrated solar power plants under realistic operating conditions. Renewable Energy 174, 305-319, article link
- 2022: Improved design methodology for high-temperature thermal energy storage systems for concentrated solar power plants, Travel grant from EU-SFERA, 5 lakhs.