
Some links may also have additional tutorial links for your benefit.

  1. VS Code
  2.           Fun Fact: This webpage was developed using VS Code as the sole text-editor. I personally feel it is the best text-editor I've tried till date. Compatible for a ton of different programming languages.

  3. CodeBlocks
  4.           I primarily use CodeBlocks for C/C++ programming. May prove useful in ESC101 and following courses.


To learn languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Bootstrap, Python, etc.. Click Here
To learn C++ language, Click Here

  1. AutoDESK FUSION 360
          To get started with the introductory lecture, from Robotics Club IITK on AutoDESK Fusion 360, Click Here

  1. Slack for PC
  2. Discord
          These Apps are primarily used by Clubs at IITK to convey information, organize events and have fun ;)

  1. FortiClient VPN for Windows
  2. FortiClient VPN for LINUX
  3. FortiClient VPN for MAC
  4. FortiClient VPN for Android
NOTE:   > This VPN can be accessed exclusively by the IITK junta.
> Freshies, you gotta download it to access loads of materials that IITK has to offer.

These apps/ tutorials belong exclusively to the respective owner(s).
Have links for more apps? Do let us know!

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