Site Navigation

This is a modular website. It means that any part(s) of these websites can be taken out without affecting the others.
In order to better help you navigate through this website, here is a little "guide" to our the website..
Have FUN!! 😄


Terribly sorry to break your bubble, but even during your time at college you will have to study. (and prepare for quizzes, midsems and endsems too..) So, to aid you during these "exams", your seniors have compiled an extensive collection of books as well as previous year resources.


Virtual Tour

This website was borne during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence we were not able to visit the awesome IITK campus. So, of course the only option left available to us was to visit it "virtually". Freshies, you sure will enjoy this experience. What are you waiting for? Let's GO!

Virtual Tour


During your stay at IITK, you will be exposed to a lot (and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT A LOT) of digital work. So, for your benefit, we have compiled a lot of links to the various apps out there (some paid, some free) in one place. Happy learning!


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