Learning and Motivation

Akanksha Singh

Learning is a long and complicated process. Really, “learning” anything takes time and consistent effort. Learning how to learn is also a journey, full of ups and downs. Understanding that building skills will take time, and that you will be awful in the beginning isn't easy, and that's ok.

Motivation has two parts:

1. Starting

2. Persevering

When you start, think of the goal, but more than that think of how much fun you'll have on the way there. And of course, plan out how you'll get there. Expect to work really really hard, and be excited about it.

For persevering: As most people quit (or lose motivation) when they fail or hit a hard point, don't be afraid of them. Expect and accept that you'll make several stupid mistakes. Expect to be ridiculously awful at whatever skill you're learning when you start.

And, to keep going, rejoice the small victories. Don't be disheartened staring at the mountain in front of you, remember, it was conquered with tiny ascends, not all at once.

And, that is how you stay motivated.

You're not the best in the world in whatever you do, but you can be better than what you are right now, so do it.

Bonus: once you've accomplished one big goal: learned a language, ran a marathon, aced a test, lost weight etc; use that as your motivation. Look back at how difficult that was and say, “ if I could do that, I sure can do this!” And watch your success snowball larger and larger. Good luck!