Hi! I am Akanksha Singh, currently a first year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur

Me and my pursuits
working girl aska

I guess an introduction is mandatory?

Will be spending my next 3 years exploring, learning and having fun. I love reading, and do write a little. I'd like to explore linguistics, Natural Language Processing and ML in general. My current cpi is 9.9, and I'd like to mantain a good cpi in the semesters to come

I maybe figured out how to keep my spirits up, given the living conditions of the top 0.1%, which is something a surprisingly small number of people seem to be capable of. The human story intrigues me to no end, and the eventual goal is to minimise human suffering, but I'd like to mix it up with enjoying my years.


Some of my current Pursuits


Couldn't have made this site without Harshit Raj, who pushed me to learn webdev and taught me a lot of stuff; Somya Gupta who acted as an accountability buddy; and Janhvi Rochwani who helped with aesthetics.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s very important to have friends who are smarter than you… and who are also kind to you.

Hank Green / A beautifully Foolish Endeavour