About Me

You may know me as a passionate researcher though I am a civil engineer by profession. Currently, I am a doctoral student in the Dept. of Civil Engineering of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. My research encompasses the application of geodetic space-based techniques to analyze the Earth’s rotation and geophysical phenomenon.

I am born and brought up in West Bengal, but have traveled miles for my higher education. My love for food and traveling has made me visit different corners of my country. Significantly, my education made me realize the importance of knowledge and make me scholar for life. Apart from studies, I dive into making art of nature through my spects and love to teach science to students which help them to explore realms of physics. Photography also adds value to my life and clicking pictures makes me capture the best times of my life. I want to explore the world to appreciate the similarities and differences of mankind.

Being a Hindu, I follow my religion through the eyes of my guru, Dr. Mahanambrata Brahmachari, and take steps in my life by being devoted to Vaishnava Dharma.

Go through my website and get information related to my research, publications, achievements and important highlights during my academic life.

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Arnab Laha