

Research and Travel Funding


Resolving airfoil self-noise mechanism using diagnostic acoustic imaging tool

Sponsoring agency: Science Education and Research Board (SERB) of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi
Status: Project technically approved by SERB in October 2019.
PI: Akhilesh Mimani

Gas Pipeline blowdown: Characteristics of natural gas pipeline blowdown in remote areas, RP3-11A

Sponsoring agency: Energy Pipelines CRC (EPCRC) Pty. Ltd., Wollongong, NSW (June 2015).
Grant: $ 330,550
PIs: Cheng Lu, Xiong Liu, Ajit Godbole and Guillaume Michal (University of Wollongong),
Neil Smith, Akhilesh Mimani and Anthony Zander (The University of Adelaide)

Gas Pipeline blowdown: Characteristics of natural gas pipeline blowdown in built-up (populated) areas, RP3-11B

Sponsoring agency: Energy Pipelines CRC Pty. Ltd., Wollongong, NSW (October 2016).
Grant: $ 292,700
PIs: Xiong Liu, Cheng Lu, Ajit Godbole and Guillaume Michal (University of Wollongong),
Neil Smith, Anthony Zander (The University of Adelaide)
Akhilesh Mimani (University of New South Wales)

Travel funding

Travel funding worth $ 5000 and $ 1000 awarded by the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW which provided support for attending the 23rd AIAA Aeroacoustics conference at Denver, USA and ACOUSTICS 2016 conference at Brisbane, QLD.

Successful application for funding worth $ 3000 and $ 2000 by the Faculty of ECMS of the University of Adelaide, through its Overseas Conference Leave Scheme (OCLS). The funding provided a partial financial support for attending the 20th and 21st AIAA Aeroacoustics conferences, respectively, held in the USA.

During May 2011, I obtained a funding worth approximately Rs. 125,000 by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Government of India for attending and presenting a paper at the 18th International Congress of Sound and Vibration held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during 10th to 14th July 2011.