
I write software for much of my research and I am of the belief that research software has to be open source, because it

Following are a few suites of MATLAB/Octave programs that I have developed over the course of my research and it is available for use for evryone. If you find bugs, have suggestions for improvements or a wishlist of things that need to be added to these programs, please do send me an e-mail.


The software ‘SHbundle’ offers several routines for the spherical-harmonic analysis and spherical-harmonic-synthesis in Matlab. It also enables the calculation of partial derivatives (e.g. gradients), the conversion between compex/real coefficients and functions and the X-number implementation for ultra-high degrees of expansion.

GRACE Bundle

A suite of MATLAB/Octave programs for analysing level-2 data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission.

EGRAFS – Earth GRAvity Field from Space

A suite of Matlab/Octave programs for simulating satellite orbits and retrieving gravity field information from satellite tracking data.

ESM Bundle

A suite of Matlab/Octave programs for manipulating and analysing the European Space Agency’s Earth System Model.

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