Module 8 : Gas Vapor Mixtures and Adiabatic Saturation
Lecture 34 : Thermodynamics of Ideal Gas Mixture

Mixture of ideal gases

Basic assumption is that the gases in the mixture do not interact with each other.

Consider a mixture with components l = 1,2,3... with masses m1, m2, m3 ...mi and with number of moles.

The total mixture occupies a volume V, has a total pressure P and temperature T (which is also the temperature of each of the component species)

The total mass


Total number of mole N


Mass fraction of species i


Mole fraction of species i


The mass and number of moles of species i are related by


is the number of moles of species i and is the molar mass of species i

Also to be noted

  and   (34.6)

We can also define a molar mass of the mixture as




