Module 8 : Gas Vapor Mixtures and Adiabatic Saturation
Lecture 34 : Thermodynamics of Ideal Gas Mixture

Therdynamic Properties of Mixtures

Internal Energy


mass of species i

specific internal energy of species i

number of moles of species i

molar internal energy

Similarly we can write about Enthalpy




Specific internal energy of the mixture





mass fraction of species i

specific internal energy of species i


Molar internal energy of mixture


mole fraction of species i

molar internal energy of species i

Similarly we can write for specific enthalpy and molar enthalpy

 and   (34.22)

We can also write for specific entropy and molar entropy

 and   (34.23)

Change in u, h and s


Assume remains unchanged


For ideal gas mixture


as is the same for all species as a result of thermodynamics equilibrium




Where definition of mixture

Similarly it can be shown that



mixture (molar basis)  


Let us also recall that and

We can also write similar relations for mixture enthalpy



definition of mixture  




definition of mixture (molar basis)  

Therefore, and . The equations are similar to the equations for a single (ideal gas) species.