
Spin Hall Nano Oscillator(SHNO)

Spin Hall nano oscillators are spin-based oscillators which are driven by pure spin current. These devices are made by interfacing ferromagnetic material with a heavy metal. When an electric current is passed through the heavy metal, it generates a pure spin current due to the large spin-orbit coupling. This pure spin current exerts an effective torque opposite to the damping torque and produces sustained oscillations, also called auto-oscillations. We are working on designing high output power spin Hall nano-oscillators. These oscillators can be used for a wide range of low-power high-speed computing and communication applications.

Magnetic texture dynamics

Magnetic texture refers to a nonuniform distribution of magnetisation which can exhibit rich dynamics under external perturbations. Magnetic textures include but are not limited to magnetic vortices, magnetic domain wall, skyrmions etc. We mainly are interested in studying the effect of sin current on magnetic textures.

Neuromorphic computing

We appply our knowledge of spintronic and spin texture devices to perform unconventional computing. Unconventional computing includes neuromorphic computing, P-bit computing, reservoir computing etc. Utilisation of these schemes improves upon tasks like classification, pattern recognition etc. in terms of accuracy and speed both.