Experiment Facilities
In addition, the group has infrastructure for materials synthesis and characterization, access to central facilities like SEM, TEM. XRD, FTIR and UV-vis.>
Computational Facilities
Infiniband connect Eight node 16 Intel® Xeon® Quad Core processor computer cluster. In addition, the group has access to the institute facility - HPC(High performance computing) cluster.
Contact Us
Office: Lab304, NL-II
Phone: +91 512 259 6143Lab: 304, NL-II
Phone: +91 512 259 6227XHTML | CSS | Webmaster - Dhirendra Kumar Mahendra Nishad and Raj Pala
Last Updated: December 15, 2023
Department of Chemical Engineering and Matarial Science Programme | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
© Dr. Raj Pala