
1.   Sports Booking Facility, IIT Kanpur

I worked with the Games and Sports Council and SPEC Office of IIT Kanpur to develop the Sports Booking Facility of IITK. It was developed in a time of crisis when covid had struck and sports facilities had to be reopened. This portal was built to limit the number of users and to keep a digital record of the same. The portal was built using Flutter and the Firebase was used as the database. I worked on the scalability of the portal to ensure that it could be easily used by all the campus residents, approximately 3000 at that time.

2.   AI based labor room assistant

This project is under Dr. Vipul Arora (Prof, EE IITK). The project includes building an application that uses Automatic Speech Recognition to ease labor room procedures in low resource areas of Bihar. The aim is to ensure timely data documentation and build a delivery-complication detection system. The project has received funding of USD 30,000 under Google’s AI for Social Good program out of over 1000 global applications. The project is developed in Flutter and uses REST APIs to integrate with the backend in PHP.

3.   Management of debt structures of US states

This project includes building a database on the debt maturity structure from information in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports and analyzing changes in the debt maturity structure by extracting tables from old records and formatting them. It is designed as an algorithm with the help of Pandas for effective data analysis and manipulation. This is a contribution to the research work of Oliver Giesecke.

4.   Inter IIT ISRO problem statement

I worked in a team of 6 in Inter IIT Tech meet 10 to contribute to the ISRO problem statement. It included building a web application for detecting peaks in solar flares and analyzing its data. The backend was built in Python and Flask. The frontend was React. We stood second in this problem statement (Bronze medal). The tool is named as JUX.

5.   Self Projects

a. Noted App: It is an application to write notes. The notes can be edited, deleted, and marked. It was built using Flutter and NodeJS.

b. Air Canvas: It is a tool, with the help of which we can write using our fingertips. It is built using Python (OpenCV).

c.  Number Magic App: It is a puzzle app built using Java. The user is told to think of a number between 1-100 and the computer guesses the correct number.

d. TicTacToe App: It is a cross and naughts game built using Java. It has three different modes of difficulty and the user can either play with their friends or on the computer.