About Industry Applications Society

Industry Applications Society is one of the largest special interest societies within the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IAS focuses specifically on the unique needs of industry and commerce. IAS is a source of professional power to its nearly 10,000 worldwide members. Through a network of over 100 chapters globally, regional events and national and international conferences, the society keeps members abreast of current developments in the area of technology in electricity and electronics. IAS enriches both its individual members and the industry as a whole through the sharing of specific industry-related solutions. If your engineering interests are the needs of the industrial or commercial sector, the Industry Applications Society (IAS) will be a valuable professional connection.

Three reasons to join IEEE IAS Society

  • Informative Meetings, Seminars and Conferences.
  • Valuable Professional Publications.
  • A Chance to Advance Your Industry.
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IAS Student Branch

IIT Kanpur has started one of the newest IEEE IAS Student branch from the Department of Electrical Engineering in 2014. This region comes under Region 10 of IEEE and the local IEEE chapter is the IEEE UP Section. Prior to the formation of the Student branch, in the past few years, the institute has a very impressive contribution to the society interms of conference and journal publications in Industry Applications Society.

A brief summary of the publications from IIT Kanpur in IAS sponsored conferences and journals are as follows:

No. of Journal publications in past 5 years: 5

No. of Conference publications in past 5 years: 32

No. of Invited conference papers: 2

In addition some of the students of the institute received travel grants from the society to attend premier conferences organised by IAS, e.g, IEEE ECCE, IEEE APEC.

IAS membership options

Many engineering professionals are already eligible to be a part of the IAS, and may not even know it. Any current member of the IEEE is eligible to join IAS by applying and paying a nominal fee. If your professional interests dovetail with IAS but not IEEE, it is possible to join as an Organization Affiliate with IAS (at a significantly reduced dues rate) without becoming an IEEE member. An Organization Affiliate must be a member of a professional organization in a related scientific or technical field. Approved affiliate organizations include EPE, IEE, VDE, IEEJ, AEI, ASChE, AIME, ASME, SME and ISA, to name just a few. Students are encouraged to participate in the Society at a significantly reduced dues rate.

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