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Introduction to Transportation Electrification (EE698DD)

  • Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, a student should be able to
  • understand the different power processing stages of the electric transportation systems,
  • analyze and design the basic power converters used in these e- transportation systems,
  • understand the operation and control of bidirectional power converters for the electric vehicles,
  • study and design a specific power converter and validate the mathematical analysis through simulation.

  • Short Summary:

Conventional vehicles use petroleum as the only energy source, representing most of the existing worldwide on-road vehicles today. As a shortage of petroleum is considered one of the most critical worldwide issues, costly fuel becomes a significant challenge for EV users. Moreover, these vehicles emit greenhouse gases, thus making it harder to satisfy stringent environmental regulations. Therefore, the electrification of transportation has been carried out in the last few decades to conserve energy and protect the environment. Transportation electrification enables using energy from fossil fuels and renewable energy sources, such as hydropower, solar PV, and wind power. In traction applications, the electrification of railroads has been fully achieved in the past many years. Similarly, electrification has been carried out in ships, aircraft, and on-road transportations.

This course is an introduction to electric transportation systems. The first part of this course will provide an overview of the different power processing stages of these electric transportation systems. To understand in detail about the different power processing stages, the basics of power electronic converters have to be studied. For example,  charging a battery requires an understanding of the DC-DC chopper circuit, whereas the motor drives circuit requires an understanding of the inverter circuit. Therefore, the second part of this course will cover the basics of power electronic converters associated with electric transportation. Finally, considering the importance of on-road electric vehicles, further study will be carried out for both the forward powering and regenerative power modes, i.e., vehicle to grid (V2G).

Recommended books:
1) "Fundamentals of Power Electronics", Robert W. Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic, Springer, Second Edition 2005.

2) "Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design", Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Wiley, Third Edition 2007
3) "Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids" Editors: Sumedha Rajakaruna, Farhad Shahnia, Arindam Ghosh
4) "Power Converters for Electric Vehicles", L. Ashok Kumar and S. Albert Alexander
5) Current literature

Reference Books:

1) "Electric Vehicles: Modern Technologies and Trends", N. Patel, A. K. Bhoi, S. Padmanaban
2) "Pulse-width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters"   Marian K. Kazimierczuk