Currently we have open positions for PhD and Postdoc program in our group. If you are interested, please send a message at

Computational Soft Matter and BioPhysics Group @IITK-Physics

Welcome to the Computational Soft Matter and BioPhysics Group at the Physics Department of IIT Kanpur. With the rapid evolution of computational power, molecular simulations are becoming increasingly powerful technique for studying various phenomena across several branches of science. We develop and apply multi-scale modeling methods to address various problems at the interface between materials science (mostly soft matters) and biophysics. Our current research interest includes development and applications of coarse-grained models for polymers, surfactants and other complex molecules with a particular focus to industrial applications. We also study protein-membrane interactions with atomistic and coarse-grained resolutions to understand various cellular processes.

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Broad areas of interest

  • Membrane Remodelling
  • Development of Coarse-Grained Models for polymers and drugs
  • Micelle Rheology