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Some Invited Lectures

  1. "Making Casting with Close Tolerance" Short course on "Eco-friendly production and modern marketing of quality ferrous and non-ferrous products" sponsored by SDBI India, at IIT Kanpur.
  2. "Solidification Processing of Metal Matrix Composites" 6th SERC School; on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, at IIT Kanpur
  3. "Comparison of Some Nodulizers to Make SG Iron by Treatment Inside the Mold" 40th Annual Convention of the Institute of Indian Foundryman, Madras.
  4. "Primary Dendrite Spacing Measurements in Directionally Solidified Sn-Bi Alloys University of Utah,Salt Lake City USA
  5. `Study of Primary Dendrite Spacing in Constrained Growth of Sn-Bi Alloys' at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee USA.
  6. "Theory of Segregation and Crystallization During Solidification" Intensive Course on Theory of Metallurgical Processes in Steel Making at IIT Kanpur
  7. "Numerical solution of unidirectional solidification", Intensive Course on Computer Applications in Metallurgical Engineering at IIT Kanpur
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