Bansi Lal

Personal, Current Research, Publications, Theses Supervised, Teaching, Current Sponsored Projects, Schools/Conferences

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Bansi Lal


Shrimati Shobawati


Pt Shamboo Nath

Date of Birth:

March 8, 1947

Place of Birth:

Ichhigam, Badgam, Kashmir, India

Martial Status:

Married to Sheela Koul (D/O Shrimati Sham Rani Koul and Pt Sham Lal Koul, Malik Anghan, Fathe Kadal, Srinagar, Kashmir) on June 06, 1974.


Komal (born on Jan 25, 1976 , married to Mr Shirish Pareek) and Sheetal (born on Oct 23, 1978 , married to Mr Nishant Tiwari)

Grand Children:

Prithu Pareek (born on Sep 25, 2000), Asmi Pareek (born on May 04, 2005), Vihan Tiwari (born on May 21, 2008)

Academic Qualification

BSc (Phy, Chem, Math) 1966 from Amar Singh, College Srinagar (J&K University), First Div (70%), Second Position in the University.
MSc (Phy) 1969 from Post Graduate Department of Physics, Kashmir University, First Division (69%), Second Position in the University.
(Phy) 1977 from Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Thesis Supervisor: Prof D Ramachandra Rao. ( Dr. Ramachandra Rao Dasari, G.R.Harrison Spectrocopy Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. USA)
Thesis Title: Absorption, Laser Excited Fluorescence and Lifetime Studies of Ho3+ in Single Crystals.

Professional experience

April 2009-todate: Consultant, Center for Laser Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
Nov 2003-March 2009: Chief Scientific Officer, Center for Laser Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
2001-2003 (on leave from IIT Kanpur): Visiting Scientist at Diagnostic Instrumentation & Analysis Laboratory, University of Mississippi, Starkville, MS 39759, USA.
1995-2003 : Principal Scientific Officer at Centre for Laser Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , India.
1980-1995: Senior Scientific Officer at Centre for Laser Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , India.
1978-80:Research Scientist in Central Electronics Ltd, Sahibabad (UP), India.
1977-78: Research Scientist in Laser Laboratories, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , India.

Research experience

(A) Lasers fabricated: 1-20mW He-Ne lasers, 300mW CW Ar-ion laser, 100W CW CO2 laser, 20mW He-Cd laser, N2 laser pumped dye laser with single prism beam expander.

(B) Systems developed

  1. LIBS system for portable multi-contaminant detection instrument for decontamination & decommissioning (ADA Technologies inc, Littleton, CO, USA, 2001-2003)
  2. Setup to measure thermal conductivity of insulators using a CO2 laser (CSIR Project. 1998-2000)
  3. Setup for the preparation of C60 by arc discharge method.
  4. A setup to measure the fluorescent decay-times in rare-earth doped single crystals using an Ar-ion laser.
  5. A recording spectrophotometer with dispersion on chart paper of the order of 4nm/mm for fluorescence studies

(C) Research completed

  1. Application of Laser Induced Breakdown spectroscopy to monitor the powder samples
  2. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for quality control in pharmaceutical industry
  3. Applications of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for glass industry
  4. Laser ablative propulsion
  5. Characterization of radiation-less transitions in rare-earth doped single crystal
  6. Classification of the energy levels of rare-earth elements in terms of the irreducible representation of the site symmetry point group.

Membership of academic bodies

(i) Life Member “Indian Laser Association”.
(ii) Life Member “Optical Society of India”.