Dr. Bansi Lal

Personal, Current Research, Publications, Theses Supervised, Teaching, Current Sponsored Projects, Schools/Conferences

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Refereed Journals

24. Sol-gel synthesis of Eu3+:Tb3Al5O12 nanophosphor, Humyra Shabir, Bansi Lal and Mohammad Rafat, Jol of Sol-Gel Sci Techn DOI: 10.1007/s1097-009-2109-9, 2009

23. Laser heated pedestal growth and characterization of the crystalline fibers of KDP doped Larginine phosphate, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, J Crystal Growth, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2009.10.063, 2009

22. Growth and characterization of a nonlinear optical crystal 2-hydroxy-3methoxy-N(2-cholorobenzyl)-benzaldehyde-imine, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal J Crystal Growth, Vol 312, p 301–304, 2010.

21. A comparative study of the properties of terbium aluminum garnet powder sintered in air, vacuum and by laser radiation, Humyra Shabir, Bansi Lal and Mohammad Rafat, Ceram. Int. Vol 36, 365-369, 2010.

20. Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of nanocrystalline terbium aluminium garnet phosphor, Humyra Shabir, Bansi Lal and Mohammad Rafat, Int. J. Nano and Biomaterials Vol. 2, p 416-24, 2009.

19. Crystalline fiber growth of dye doped L-arginine phosphate by laser heated pedestal growth technique, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Journal of Crystal Growth , Vol 310, p 2039-2042, 2008.

18. Citrate-Nitarte route for the Synthesis and Characterization of TAG using Sol-gel Techniques, Sumit Saxena, Archana Asokkumar K and Bansi Lal, J Sol-Gel Sci Techn, Vol 41, p 245-248, 2007.

17. Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Quality Control in Pharmaceutical Industry, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh and Jagdish P. Singh, J. of Optics, Vol 34, p 194-205, 2006.

16. Glass Batch Composition Monitoring by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh and Jagdish P. Singh, Applied Optics, Vol 44, p 3668--3674, 2005.

15. Parametric Study of Pellets for Elemental Analysis with Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Bansi Lal, Hongbo Zheng, Fang-Yu Yuh and Jagdish P. Singh, Applied Optics, Vol 43, p 2792-2797, 2004.

14. Laser Heated Pedestal Growth Technique for Growing Single Crystal Fibers, Bansi Lal, J. of Optics, Vol 28, p69, 1999.

13. Preparation of Single Crystal Fibers Using a CO2 Laser, Bansi Lal and K V Rao, Metals Materials and Processes, Vol 10, p231, 1998.

12. Laser Biostimulation, Bansi Lal, Physics Education, Vol 12, p362, 1996.

11. Lasers in Surgery, Bansi Lal, Physics Education, Vol 12, p116, 1995.

10. A Simple Experimental Setup to Measure Fluorescence Decay-times, Bansi Lal, Physics Education, Vol 11, p87, 1994.

9. Lasers in Plastic Industry, Bansi Lal, Jol of Plastic Industry, Vol 11, p87, 1994.

8. Fabrication of a Simple Rare Gas Ion Laser, Bansi Lal, Badri Rai and P Venkateswarlu, Jol Instrument Society of India, Vol 15, p207, 1985.

7. Fluorescence and Excitation Spectra of BaF2:Ho3+ single Crystal, D N Rao, Bansi Lal and P Venkateswarlu, Indian Jol of Physics, Vol B54, p286, 1980.

6. Laser Excited Fluorescence Spectra of Ho3+: SrF2, Bansi Lal, Indian Jol of Physics, Vol B54, p88, 1980.

5. An Experimental Set-up Using Laser for Measurement of Fluorescence lifetimes, Bansi Lal and D Ramachandra Rao, Indian Jol of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol 17, p798, 1979.

4. Multiphoton Relaxations in the Ho3+: LaF3 single Crystal, Bansi Lal and D Ramachandra Rao, Jol Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol 40, p97, 1979.

3. Absorption and Laser Excited Fluorescence of Ho3+:LaF3, Bansi Lal and D Ramachandra Rao, Pramana, Vol 10, p467, 1979.

2. Fluorescence and Lifetime Studies of Ho3+:CaF2, Bansi Lal and D Ramachandra Rao, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol 3, p250, 1978.

1. Conversion of a Spectrograph into a Recording Spectrophotometer for Fluorescence Study, D Ramachandra Rao, U V Kumar, Bansi Lal and P Venkateswarlu, J. Instrument Society of India, Vol 6, p5, 1976.

Conference proceedings

36. Refereed, 2-page extended abstract, poster; Laser sintering of Ce:YAG ceramic, Bansi Lal, Shivani Singh and Sasmita Kumari Patro, Proceedings Eighth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-08), SA7-015, Jan 7-10, 2009 ( LASTEC Delhi, India)

35. Refereed, 2-page extended abstract, poster; A comparative study of the properties of the sol-gel prepared terbium aluminum garnet sintered in air and vacuum, Humyra Shabir, Bansi Lal and M. Rafat, Proceedings Eighth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-08), SA3-037, Jan 7-10, 2009 ( LASTEC Delhi, India)

34. Refereed, 2-page extended abstract, poster; Laser heated pedestal growth of KDP doped L-arginine phosphate crystalline fibers, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Proceedings Eighth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-08), SA3-025, Jan 7-10, 2009 ( LASTEC Delhi, India)

33. Refereed, 2-page extended abstract, poster; Synthesis and characterization of the crystalline BSO powder by sol-gel technique, Sasmita Kumari Patro, Harsh Mishra and Bansi Lal, Proceedings Seventh DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-07), P 125-126, Dec 17-20, 2007 ( Vadodara, India)

32. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Comparison of the properties of microcrystalline TAG powder prepared by sol-gel techniques from oxides and nitrates, Humyra Shabir, Bansi Lal and M. Rafat, Proceedings Seventh DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-07), P199-200, Dec 17-20, 2007 ( Vadodara, India) Adjudged among the top 20 posters and published in “KIRAN’ Vol 19, p 24-26, 2008

31. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Preparation and characterization of doped L-arginine phosphate crystalline fibers, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Proceedings Seventh DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-07), P127-128, Dec 17-20, 2007 ( Vadodara, India)

30. Refereed, 1-page abstract, poster; Crystalline fiber growth of dye doped L-arginine phosphate by laser heated pedestal growth technique, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Accepted for presentation in the 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, August 12-17, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

29. Refereed, 1-page abstract, poster; Growth and characterization of the crystalline fibers of LiNbO3 directly from the congruent mixture of LiCO3 and Nb2O5, Sasmita Kumari Patro, Satyendra Singh Thakur, Pradeep Kumar, Bansi Lal and Joseph John, Presented in the 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, August 12-17, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

28. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Laser heated pedestal growth of crystalline LiNbO3 crystal directly from the congruent mixture of Li2CO3 and Nb2O5, Sasmita Kumari Patro, Satyendra Singh Thakur, Pradeep Kumar, Bansi Lal and Joseph John, Proceedings of Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-6), p82-83, December 5-8, 2006 (Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology, Indore, India)

27. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Laser heated pedestal growth of the organic optical material 3-methoxy 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Proceedings of Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-6), p80-81, December 5-8, 2006 (Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology, Indore, India)

26. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Synthesis of the Nano-scaled Terbium Alumunium Garnet for Photonic Devices, Humyra Shabir and Bansi Lal, Proceddings International Workshop on the Physics of Mesoscopic and Disordered Materials, p135-6,04-08 December, 2006 (Depaqrtment of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)

25.1-page abstract, poster; Laser Heated Pedestal Growth of Organic Photonic Materials, Pradeep Kumar, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Proceedings International Conference on Lasers and Nanomaterials, PL-10, November 30-December 2, 2006 (Department of Physics, University of Calcutta ,Kolkata, India)

24.2-page abstract, oral presentation; Laser Heated Pedestal Growth Technique for the Preparation of Single Crystal Fibers of Optical Materials, Pradeep Kumar, Shivani Singh, Manoj Kumar Bhuyan and Bansi Lal, Proceedings Second National Symposium on “Crystal Growth of Laser Related Materials”, p49-50, Dec 19-20, 2005 (Kalvakkam, TN, India) [Adjudged as on of the best seven papers ]

23. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Laser Heated Pedestal Growth of Single Crystal Fibers of Semi-organic and Organic Optical Materials, Pradeep Kumar, Shivani Singh and Bansi Lal, Proceedings of Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-5), p129-130, Dece 7-10, 2006(Vellore, TN, India)

22. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Design and Fabrication of a Diode Pumped YAG:Nd Single Crystal Fiber Laser, Sumit Saxena, K. Archana Ashokkumar, Bansi Lal and K.V.Rao, Proceedings of Fourth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-4), p235-236, B.M.Suri, V.K.Mago and A.K.Ray (Ed), Allied Publishers Mumbai, 2005.

21. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Preparation and Characterization of Single Crystal Fibers of MgO: LiNbO3 by Laser Heated Pedestal Growth Technique, K. Archana Ashokkumar, Sumit Saxena, Bansi Lal and K.V.Rao, Proceedings of Fourth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-4), p469-470, B.M.Suri, V.K.Mago and A.K.Ray (Ed), Allied Publishers Mumbai, 2005.

20. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Preparation of Single Crystal Fibers of Organic Optical materials by Laser Heated Pedestal Growth Technique, Pradeep Kumar and Bansi Lal, Proceedings of Fourth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-4), p529-5300, B.M.Suri, V.K.Mago and A.K.Ray (Ed), Allied Publishers Mumbai, 2005.

19. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Preparation and Characterization of Nanoscaled Terbium Aluminum Garnet by Sol-gel Technique, Sumit Saxena, K. Archana Ashokkumar and Bansi Lal, Proceedings of Fourth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-4), p563-564, B.M.Suri, V.K.Mago and A.K.Ray (Ed), Allied Publishers Mumbai, 2005 [ Adjudged as one of the best twenty papers among ~300 contributed papers presented in NLS-4]

18. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; In-situ Monitoring of Glass Batch Composition Using Laser Breakdown Spectroscopy, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh, Jagdish P. Singh and William G. Ramsay, Proc 105th Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 27-30, 2003, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

17. Refereed, full paper, oral presentation Optimization of Laser Ablative Propulsion Parameters: A Proposal, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh and Jagdish P. Singh, in “Beamed Energy Propulsion” pp.251-254, Ed Andrew V. Pakhomov (AIP Conference Proceedings, 664, 2003).

16. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Real-time Elemental Analysis of Glass Batch Mixture by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh, Jagdish P. Singh and William G. Ramsay, Proc 224rd ACS National Meeting Boston, MA, USA, August 18-22,2002.

15. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Monitor for In-situ Elemental Analysis of Glass Batch Mixture, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh, Jagdish P. Singh and William G. Ramsay, Proc 223rd ACS National Meeting Orlando,Fl, USA, April 7-11,2002.

14. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Laser Heated Pedestal Growth of Single Crystal Fibers of LiNbO3, Arvind Mohan, K V Rao and Bansi Lal, Proc National Laser Symposium p139, Delhi, Dec 13-15, 2000.

13. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Preparation of Single Crystal Fibers of LiNbO3, Khem Chandra Joshi, Arvind Mohan, K V Rao and Bansi Lal, Proceedings National Laser Symposium, University of Hyderabad, p409, Dec 15-17, 1999.

12. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Photorefractive single Crystal Fibers, Bansi Lal and K V Rao, Proceedings Eighth National Seminar on Crystal Growth, Anna University, Chennai, p I-13, 1999

11. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Synthesis of BSO Using a CO2 Laser, Bansi Lal and K V Rao, Proc Ninth annual Meeting of MRSI, IIT Madras, p79, 1998.

10. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; Surface Hardening of Eutectoid Steel Using a 50W CO2 Laser, Shailesh Tiwari, Bansi Lal and R C Sharma, Proceedings National Laser Symposium, IIT Kanpur,1998, p237.

9. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Single Crystal Fibers and Their Applications, Bansi Lal and K V Rao, Proceedings National Seminar on Perspectives in Solid State Materials, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 1998, p4.

8. Refereed, 2-page abstract, poster; CO2 Laser Based Crystal Growing System, Bansi Lal and K V Rao, Proc National Laser Symposium, CAT Indore, 1997.

7. Refereed, full paper, oral presentation; Maintenance of Lasers used in Analytical Techniques, Bansi Lal, Proc National Seminar on Management of Analytical Instruments, RRL Bhubaneshwar, Dec 02, 1993, p 96-100

6. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Fluorescence Decay Time of UO++ in Pure and Doped Salts, Bansi Lal and Premchand, Proc Solid State Symposium (DAE), Vol 34C, p423, 1991.

5. 1-page abstract, oral presentation; Applications of a CO2 Laser in Material Processing, Bansi Lal and A S Parasnis, Proc Wistex-86, Bombay, 1986.

4. Full paper, Invited talk, Sealing Techniques for gas laser Mirrors and Windows, Bansi Lal and A S Parasnis, Proc National Symposium on Vac Tech & Sealed-off Devices, 044, 1984.

3. Refereed, 2-page abstract, oral presentation; Two Photon Absorption Studies of Ho3+: LaF3 single Crystal, Bansi Lal, J Govindrajan and G N Rao, Proc Third Symposium on Lasers and Their Applications, IIT Kanpur, Dec 1983, p379.

2. Full paper, oral presentation Laser Excited Fluorescence of Ho3+: LaF3 Single Crystal, Bansi Lal, D Ramachandra Rao and P Venkateswarlu, Proc symposium on Quantum-and Opto-Electronics, BARC, Bombay, Feb 25-28, 1974.

1. Full paper, oral presentation; Laser Induced Fluorescence in Ho3+: LaF3 Single Crystal, Bansi Lal and D Ramachandra Rao, Proc Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium Punjab Univ, Chandigarh, Dec 28, 1972 to Jan 01, 1973.

Book chapters/ Proceedings/Technical Notes/Lecture Notes

12. “LIBS Technique for Powder Materials” Bansi Lal, L.St-Onge, Fang Yu Yueh and Jagdish P. Singh, Chapter 12, p287-311, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Jagdish P. Singh and Surya Narayan Thakur (Editors), ISBN-978-0-444-517340 (Elsevier BV, 2007)

11. Lecture Notes of “The Short Term Course on Developments in and Applications of All Solid State Lasers” Bansi Lal (Editor) QIP Course, Jan 09-14, 2006.

10. The Monitoring of the Composition of Glass Batch of Simulated Glass Waste Using LIBS, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh, Jagdish P. Singh and William G. Ramsey, Technical Report on “Radioactive Immobilization Consortium (RIC) Project” at Diagnostic Instrumentation & Analysis Laboratory, 205, Research Blvd, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39759, USA, May 2003.

9. LIBS System for Portable Multi-contaminant Detection Instrument for Decontamination & Decommissioning, Bansi Lal, Fang-Yu Yueh and Jagdish P. Singh , Technical Report Submitted to ADA Technologies Inc,Littleton, CO, USA, March 2003

8. Lecture Notes on “Short Term Course on Developments in and Applications of All Solid State Lasers”, Bansi Lal (Editor), QIP & Self Financing, Jan 9-14, 2006

7. Lectures Notes on “Lasers in Quality Control”, Bansi Lal, AICTE PROJECT, 2001. http://www.iitk.ac.in/celt/lecture_laser

6. Proceedings National Laser Symposium, K K Sharma and Bansi Lal (Editors), 1998.

5. “Lasers in Manufacturing” Bansi Lal, Lecture Notes of the Second SERC School on “Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Engineering in Manufacturing” Vol 2, p 118-127, P.K.Kalra (Editor) 1997 (Allied Publishers Ltd, New Delhi)

4. Lecture Notes on “Lasers and Their Applications”, Bansi Lal (Editor), QIP Course,1996.

3. Lecture Notes on “Laser Techniques”, Bansi Lal (Editor), QIP Course, 1995.

2. Lecture Notes on “Lasers and Laser Systems”, Part A: Lasers, Part B: Laser Applications, K K Sharma and Bansi Lal (Editors), ISTE Course, 1986.

1. Recent Developments and Future Trends in Scientific Glass Blowing, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Seminar, K A Narayan, Bansi Lal and J N Sharma (Editors), 1985.