Background Expected From Participants

As the course broadly recapitulates the subject areas of undergraduate mathematics before going to the advanced material, only a rudimentary and superficial background of undergraduate mathematics is assumed. However, a firm understanding of school mathematics and undergraduate calculus is expected.

It is prudent, for the prospective participant, to make an assessment of his/her command over the expected preliminary background. For that, one can take the following preliminary test. (For an appropriate assessment, visit the link below only when you are ready to take the test and time yourself for 45 minutes.)

Preliminary Test

Now, consult the answers and solution outlines by visiting the link

Answers and Solution Outlines

to grade yourself on the test, using the grading instructions therein. (You may use your own discretion to award partial credits on partly correct steps.) Based on your total marks in the test, classify your background as
deficient if your score is less than 20,
average if your score is in the range of 20 to 40, and
sufficient if your score is above 40.

If the test result reveals your background as deficient, then it is strongly advised that, before the course starts, you should attempt the preparatory problem sets, to refresh your background. If your background is found to be average, it is still advisable that you go through the exercises, but possibly you can decide better, on the basis of your time and enthusiasm. On the other hand, if your background is found sufficient, then most probably you have the necessary background for the course.

Preparatory Problem Sets