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Millsoft© (see; )

My research work relating to charge dynamics in tumbling mills has led to the development of a simulation tool  for tumbling mill analysis. With decade long collaborative effort between I.I.T. Kanpur and University of Utah, this tool has been perfected and has been serving the industry since 1997.  The software now known as Millsoft is specifically designed to simulate ball mill, SAG mill, planetary mill, jig and other discrete particle systems. It uses the discrete element method (DEM) to simulate the motion of ball and rock particles in a tumbling mill to show the effects of different lifter configurations, mill loading, mill speed, and other operating conditions.


As a consultant to M/s Tega Industries Ltd., I realized that in several situations sizing a hydrocyclone for a particular application could be a formidable task. After critical analysis of a wide variety of available plant data a simplified model for the partition function that includes the fish-hook effect has been developed. The model is used in a GUI based simulation package--Symcyclone©, for designing industrial hydrocyclone systems. The Symcyclone© software has been exclusively developed for M/s Tega Industries Ltd., Kolkata.




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