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(A) Dept. of Aerospace Engineering Mechanics, University of Minnesota
(B) Depatment of Aeronautical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (C) Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur


  1. Organized a two-week course (jointly with Dr. T. Sundararajan) "Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering", for engineers from Industory and R&D Organizations, at IIT Kanpur, July1986.

  2. Organized a three-week course (jointly with Drs. N.N. Kishore & B.P. Singh) "Finite Element Methods in Engineering", at Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur, March/April 1998.

  3. Organized a one-week course (jointly with Drs. N.N. Kishore & B.P. Singh) "An Intensive Course on Finite Element Method", for Engineers from Research, Design & Standard Organization (RDSO), Lucknow, at IIT Kanpur, July 1998.

  4. Organized a one-week course (jointly with Drs. N.N. Kishore & V.B. Shenoy) "Finite Element Method and its Advanced Applications", under QIP, at IIT Kanpur, January 2002.

  5. Organized a three-day course (jointly with Drs. N.N. Kishore & N.V. Redyy) "Introduction to Finite Element Method", for SAMTEL Engineers, at IIT Kanpur, March 2002.

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