1. Dr. S.S.A. Razee
Thesis Title: Cluster Generalization of the KKR-CPA
Year of Graduation:1992
2. Dr. S.S. Rajput
Thesis Title: Electronic structure of disordered Alloys using Muffin-tin Potentials
Year of Graduation:1992
3. Dr. G.R. Gupte
Thesis Title: Molecular dynamics studies of small hydrogenated silicon clusters and hydrogenated amorphous silicon
Year of Graduation:1998
4. Dr. D. Balamurugan
Thesis Title: Ground and excited state properties of small hydrogenated silicon clusters: A first principles electronic structure study
Year of graduation : 2004
5. Dr. N.N. Shukla
Thesis Title: Ab-initio electronic structure study of transition metal
multilayers and layered transition metal oxides
Year of graduation : 2006
6. Dr. Amritendu Roy (joint supervision with Dr. A. Garg)
Thesis Title: Theoretical and Experimental
Investigations of Structure-
Property Correlations in Functional
Year of graduation: 2012
7. Dr. Himanshu Pandey (joint supervision with Dr. R. C. Budhani)
Thesis Title: Structural ordering driven magneto-transport properties of
epitaxial Co2MnSi thin films
Year of graduation: 2014
8. Dr. Bahadur Singh
Thesis Title: First-principles investigations of topological phases in materials
Year of graduation: 2015