Development of Radiation Portal Monitor — IMPRINT-1
India needs indigenous radiation detection system to safeguard its borders. We along with our partners are developing
a complete system from radiation to electrical and mechanical systems to interdict illicit nuclear smuggling.
A 3-D Mineral Surveyor Using Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis — DST
India abounds in mineral reserves but we have not been able to affectively mine these reserves to fuel
our growing manufacturing secture. In this effort, we measure and develop algorithms which can detect radiation
signatures from commonly found metal reserves in the earth's crust. This information is then used to map the mineral
reserve distribution.
Development of a Gold Mass Measurement System — Uchhatar Aavishkar Yojna (Returned)
A system for measuring the mass of gold samples with accuracy but using nondestuctive gamma-ray measurements was deviced.
This project has been closed and returned.
Special Nuclear Material Detection and Characterization
We are working on PuBe sources to undertand the various identification and characterization challenges when performing
on field detection of these special nuclear material. We use liquid organic scintillation detectors for fast neutrons
and NaI scintillation detectors for gamma-ray detection.
High Purity Germanium Detector Charecterization
For the first time in India, an electro-mechanically cooled HPGe detector is being used for spectroscopic
analsyis of radiation signatures and measurements. These detectors, with resolution (~0.1%) much better than
NaI detectors, provide greater flexibility in maeasuring radiation in varried fields when compared to the the traditional
liquid-nitrogen cooled detectors.
Automated Radiation Measurements
Radiation measurements for moving source-detector configurations are being studied. These measurements are
helping us automate the process of radiation measurements. In addition, they also provide valuable information to improve radiation measurements of mobile sources at borders and other sensitive areas.
National Aerosol Test Facility — BRNS
IIT Kanpur has been chosen at the site for the National Aerosol Test Facility.
We are working on a understanding the nuclear aerosol behavior through pipe flows which are characteristic of the
Indian Pressureized Heavy Water Reactor (IPHWR). We are currently working on both numerical techniques and measurements
to predict aerosol physics in pipes following severe accidents. Design for detailed experimental evaluation of aerosol behaviour following a nuclear accidents is underway.