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ChE381A Process Dynamics and Control
Topics covered so far (lecture-wise)
11 March 2015: PID class of controllers; transfer functions; direct and reverse action controllers; air-to-open and air-to-close valves; discussion on gains of processes, controllers, and valves. (Ogunaikke and Ray, Section 14.1 - 14.4; Seborg 3rd edition, Section 10.1, 10.2).
9 March 2015: Introduction to feedback control: block diagram representation of a typical feedback process; illustration using the stirred-heater example; open- and closed-loop transfer functions. (Ogunaikke and Ray, Section 14.1 - 14.4; Seborg 3rd edition, Section 10.1, 10.2).
26 February 2015: Frequency response of first order and second order systems (Ogunaikke and Ray, Chapter 9; Seborg 3rd edition, Chapter 13).
12 February 2015: Frequency response analysis: general treatment for an arbitrary transfer function; showed how g(jw) can be obtained from g(s);
11 February 2015: Interacting and non-interacting systems: illustration using two tanks in series.
9 February 2015: Inverse response systems; Criteria for inverse response based on zeros of the transfer function; response of a system exhibiting inverse response to a step input (Ogunaikke and Ray, Chapter 7).
7 February 2015: Response of more complicated processes; Definition of characteristic equation for a proces; Poles and zeroes of transfer functions; Plotting of poles and zeros in the complex plane; lead-lag system (Chapter 5 of Seborg, 3rd edition).
5 February 2015:
Dynamic response of second order systems to step input; classification of second order response: over-damped, critically-damped and under-damped; response of a second order system to an impulse and sinusoidal inputs (Section 4.4 of Seborg).
3 February 2015:
Dynamical response of first-order systems to impulse, sinusoidal, and ramp inputs (Section 4.2 of Seborg); Pure gain and pure capacity systems and their transfer functions (Section 4.3 of Seborg); Second-order systems.
31 January 2015:
Linearization illustrated using the blending process example (section 3.4 of Seborg); Types of standard inputs in process dynamics: unit impulse, unit step, ramp, sinusoidal, rectangular pulse etc., and their transforms (Section 4.1 of Seborg); Dynamic response of first order systems to a step input (Section 4.2 of Seborg)
29 January 2015:
Transfer funcion models: Transfer function for processes in series and parallel (Chapter 3 of Seborg et al.); Linearization of nonlinear models in process dynamics and control (section 3.4 of Seborg)
22 January 2015:
Tansfer function models; Derivation of the transfer function for heating in a well-mixed tank; Interpretation of the transfer function through unit impulse inputs in time domain; (Chapter 3 of Seborg et al.).
21 January 2015:
Inverse transform of a function with time delay; Transient response of a mixing tank to (a) a rectangular pulse input, and (b) an equivalent impulse input. (Seborg et al. Appendix A)
19 January 2015:
Laplace transforms of partial fractions with denominators having complex roots; Illustration with an example; Final- and initial-value theorems; Laplace transform of a time-delayed function. (Seborg et al. Appendix A)
15 January 2015:
Inversion of Laplace transforms using partial fractions; Heaviside expansion method when the denominator of the transformed variable has real and distinct roots; method for repeated real roots; method for complex roots. (Seborg et al. Appendix A)
14 January 2015:
Laplace transforms of higher order derivatives; exponential decay; periodically varing functions (sin and cos); rectangular pulse, special case of an impulse (Dirac delta function); Solution of ODEs using Laplace transform. (Seborg et al. Appendix A)
12 January 2015:
Dynamic model for a CSTR with an exothermic reaction with a coolant; (Seborg et al. Section 2.4.6); Introduction to Laplace transforms; Laplace transform of a contant, step change, and a derivative. (Seborg et al. Appendix A)
8 January 2015:
Dynamic model for a stirred tank heating process (Seborg et al. Section 2.4.1); Dynamical models for various types of liquid storage systems (Section 2.4.5)
7 January 2015:
Solution of the unsteady model for the blending process to a step increase in flow rate; interpretation of the dynamics using characteristic time (Seborg et al. Chapter 2); degrees of freedom analysis (Seborg, Section 2.3)
5 January 2015:
Theoretical models of chemical processes; Why models are needed ? Types of models (first-principles, empirical, and semi-empirical; ODE-based and PDE-based models); Principles behind models; Illustration of the blending process: derivation of the unsteady model. (Seborg et al. Chapter 2)
1 January 2015:
Illustration of feedback and feedforward strategies through a blending example where two streams are mixed in a mixing tank to achieve a desired outlet concentration; notion of a simple proportional controller; pros and cons of feedback and feedforward controllers (Seborg et al. Chapter 1).
31 December 2014:
Introduction to: Controlled variables, manipulated variables, disturbance variables, set-point; feedback and feedforward control strategies; servo and regulatory control; continuous, batch and semi-batch processes in chemical engineering. (Seborg et al. Chapter 1)
29 December 2014:
Course and grading policies; text books and general instructions. Introduction to the subject of process dynamics and control via the everyday example of mixing cold and hot water streams in a shower; What is a chemical process ? What is process dynamics ? What is process control ? (Seborg et al. Chapter 1)