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ChE381A Course Policies

2014-15-II Semester (Jan - April 2015)

Course Textbook: (1) Process Dynamics and Control, Seborg, Edgar, Mellichap and Doyle, 3rd edition, 2013.

Note: You are advised to have a copy of the course textbook with you during the semester as problems from the textbook will be given for practice.

Reference Textbooks:

While the above text by Seborg et al. is the designated course textbook, my lectures will include material from a variety of textbooks, in order to convey concepts as clearly and precisely as possible. The following textbooks could be consulted equivalently:

  1. Process Control: A First Course with MATLAB, Chau, 2002

  2. Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control, Ogunaikke and Ray, 1994.

    Grading Scheme:

    Mid-sem exam (2 hour duration) : 25%

    Quiz (2 nos; 30 mins each): 10%
    (date & time will be announced before.)

    Class and Lab Attendance: 10%

    Computer Lab performance: 15%

    End-sem exam (3 hour duration): 40%

    Grading will be relative.

    Exams: All quizzes and examinations including the end semester examination will be conducted closed book, closed notes. Tables and other data, if required, will be provided. You are advised to bring your (non-programmable) calculators to all the exams, quizzes, and tutorial hours. Sharing of calculators is not allowed during the exams. Model solutions will be sent to you by email or will be put up in the website. The exact dates for quizzes will be announced during the lectures.

    Re-grading: You can return the test/central quiz copies on the day the answer books are returned for re-grading, after writing detailed comments on the top of the answer-scripts. Re-grading of the entire question will be done even if a part regrading is requested for, and may lead to a lowering or increase or marks.

    Attendance: is mandatory, both in the lectures and in the computer lab. There could be surprise quizzes in the lecture hour as well as in the tutorials. Attendance will be taken in the lectures randomly without prior announcement. The attendance record in the lectures and computer lab will be used to assign 10% of the total marks.

    Make-up Exams: Make-up exams will be held only for students with a valid reason, and the student must produce (1) a genuine medical certificate from the Institute Health Center and/or (2) a letter sanctioning leave from SUGC Chairman, as necessary. In case you miss a quiz or the mid-semester exam, you must contact the Instructor immediately with the necessary documents supporting your absence.

    If you miss an announced quiz for a valid reason: No make-up will be conducted; Marks from the other quiz will be pro-rated for the missed quiz.
    If you miss the mid-sem exam for a valid reason: One make-up exam will be conducted around one week before the end-sem exam. Date and time will be announced later.
    If you miss the end-sem exam for a valid reason: You need to apply to DOAA office with relevant documents, and the make-up will be conducted as per DOAA timetable.


    • Misconduct of any kind (such as proxy in attendance or adopting unfair means during examinations) will be duly reported to Institute authorities.

    • Mobile phones must be switched off during lectures, tutorials etc.

    • You must arrive at the right time for the lectures and tutorials.

    • Do not talk among yourselves during the lectures and tutorials.