Analog circuitsÂ
for signal processing
For the full YouTube playlist, click here.
Lecture 1: Course overview, and introduction to bandgap reference (video) (pdf)
Lecture 2: Bandgap reference, and introduction to voltage regulators (video) (pdf)
Lecture 3: Low drop-out regulator, basics of switching regulators (video) (pdf)
Lecture 4: Chopping (no video) (pdf)
Lecture 6: Bandwidth of the switched RC filter variants, impulse response of linear systems (video) (pdf)
Lecture 7: LPTV systems: Zadeh expansion, harmonic transfer functions (HTF); calculating HTFs for the LPTV band-pass filter (video) (pdf)
Lecture 8: Basics of periodic steady-state (pss), pac, and pxf simulations with demo (video) (pdf)
Lecture 9: Deriving the N-path principle, N-path LPTV systems; Multi-phase Buck converter (video) (pdf)
Lecture 10: N-path/Segmented chopping, time-interleaved sampling (video) (pdf)
Lecture 11: N-path bandpass filter; deriving the N-path filter, HTFs for the 4-path filter (video) (pdf)
Lecture 12: N-path filters (contd.); Differential implementation; Passive mixers; N-path filter+passive mixer dual combo (video) (pdf)
Lecture 13: Mid-sem exam (questions here) solutions discussion; N-path noth filter; Impedance and admittance conversion matrix of LPTV networks (video) (pdf)
Lecture 14: Harmonic transfer matrix (HTM) of LPTV networks; Conversion matrix based analysis of LPTV networks; Introduction to basics of noise (video) (pdf)
Lecture 15: Quick flashback of the course; Assignment solution discussion; Tellegen's theorem, its extensions; Reciprocity with linear resistors (video) (pdf)
Lecture 16: Reciprocity with R,L, and C; inter-reciprocity and adjoint networks for networks having controlled sources (video) (pdf)
Lecture 17: Nyquist noise theorem and Bode's noise theorem in linear time invariant networks (video) (pdf)
Lecture 18: Inter-reciprocity in LPTV networks using conversion matrices (video) (pdf)
Lecture 19: Inter-reciprocity relation in time domain based on impulse response & signal flow graphs (video) (pdf)
Lecture 20: Inter-reciprocity example: Chopping; LPTV network with sampled output; Noise in LPTV circuits (video) (pdf)
Lecture 21: Mean-squared noise in LPTV networks with RLC and switches; Intro to transmission lines (video) (pdf)
Lecture 22: Laplace transform based analysis of transmission line circuits; input impedance; reflection coefficient (video) (pdf)
Lecture 23: Maximum power transfer; Need for S-parameters; Example problems (video) (pdf)
Lecture 24: S-parameters (contd.); Vector network analyzer; Stability in negative feedback systems with zeros (video) (pdf)