Typical structural layout of a technical paper
Note: For any technical document (paper/article, report, thesis
dissertation), simple and formal language style
must be followed.
- Authors and their Affiliations
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Nomenclature or List of Symbols (if needed)
- 1 (?) Introduction
- 2 (?) Section
- Section
- Section
- .......
- Section
- 8 (?) Results and Discussion or something similar
- 9 (?) Conclusions
- Acknowledgements (if applicable)
- References
- A Appendix Title
(if needed)
A. Title of this Appendix
Appendix in a paper (or a thesis/book) is not necessary. Whether to have an
appendix and what to go in that is a matter of judgement. There may be one
or more appendices.
What does typically go in an appendix?
- Detailed data which cannot be skipped altogether but would damage
the continuity of the body of the paper.
- Some necessary background which is not a contribution of the present
- Brief outline of any method which the reader must be made aware of but
which cannot be included in the main body.
- Sometimes, flowcharts or some sideways elaboration which is too large
for a sensible footnote!
Appendices, just like 'sections', should be broken according to subject
- B Appendix Title
(if needed)