Typical structural layout of a technical paper
Note: For any technical document (paper/article, report, thesis
dissertation), simple and formal language style
must be followed.
- Formal language should be adhered to.
- Colloquial is to be avoided: did not, cannot - rather than didn't, can't.
- Avoid SMS "lingo", like b'coz, "&", etc.
- Write simple English.
- Avoid bombasts.
- Avoid long-winding sentences.
- But, at times, long sentences may be needed for correct and better expression. Exercise care.
- Care needed for correct punctuation: space "after" comma, semi-colon etc, not before.
- Citations and figure/table/equation references not to be put in parentheses/brackets if they are necessary parts of a sentence.
- An equation is typically a part of a sentence, and does need usual punctuation signs.
- Avoid incorrect use of colons and dashes.
- Avoid undue use of display, ornamentation, irony, metaphor and 'tricky' expressions.
- Passive voice is to be used for several actions of the authors --- to the extent possible.
- Use of "I" to be specifically avoided.
- Use of "we" --- in several senses! Care needed.
- Third person: "the present author" for oneself, in cases of a single author.
- Thesis dissertations are single-author documents. Use of "authors" is wrong. Use of "we" also should be avoided unless allusion is made to the working group.
- There is a difference between "authors" and "the present authors", in some contexts. Care needed.
- Trade-off between truth and diplomacy in making claims or pointing out limitations. Care needed.
- DO NOT PLAGIARISE. Take special care to avoid inadvertent plagiarism.
- CHECK your own draft for plagiarism RIGOROUSLY.
- DO NOT FORGET to conduct at least TWO rounds of spelling check: once
manually and once with a software.
Paragraph structure
(in any document or part of a document) has two aspects:
- What does this paragraph deal with?
- What is the succession of items/issues/aspects my document
should have at this stage?