Dibakar Ghosal
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences;
Office-411, ESB3, IIT Kanpur
Office Ph.-+91 512 679 6909
Email-dghosal[at]iitk.ac.in, dibakarghosal[at]gmail.com
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Welcome to my profile !

I am a controlled source seismologist by practice. In my research, I use land and marine exploration geophysical datasets acquired either by industries or academic institutions for modeling and imaging of subsurface fossil-fuel reservoir to crustal scale structural features. 

During my stay at IIT Kanpur I have formed the Crustal Imaging Laboratory, which is equipped with state-of-the-art seismic data acquisition set up and processing softwares for both land and marine seismic datasets. My work at IIT Kanpur is multifaceted and broadly classified into three major themes:

(1) Tectonic studies across Himalaya, Sumatra-Andaman, BoB using high-resolution seismic datasets
(2) Development of algorithms for petrophysical parameter estimation of hydrocarbon and ore reserves
(3) Ambient Noise and earthquake data analysis

To learn more about my work
please feel free to contact me.

Professional Recognition/Fellowship
  • 2023:Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowship (SSHN) from French Institute in India (IFI)
  • 2022:INSA visiting scientist fellowship
  • 2019:Visiting Faculty at IPG Paris, France
  • 2019:Visiting Faculty at NTU Singapore
  • 2014-2015:Postdoctoral fellowship, Geocentrum, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • 2008-2012: PhD fellowship, IPG Paris, France
  • 2008: Lecturership, CSIR NET qualified
Knowledge Dissemination
  • 2023: Delivered a talk on ‘Seismic fault detection using an improved image segmentation technique’ at IIT Bombay
  • 2023: Delivered a talk on ‘Imaging subsurface architeccture using controlled source seismology' at GSI Mangalore
  • 2021: Delivered talks on ‘Imaging crustal details from controlled source seismology-a global perspective’ and hands on in DST-Karyashala organized by IISER Pune
  • 2020: Delivered a talk on ‘Imaging northern offshore forearc Sumatra using high-resolution marine geophysical datasets’ at IISER Pune
  • 2020: Showcased activities of Department of ES, IIT Kanpur at SPG-ONGC conference at Cochin for 3 days
  • 2018: Dr. Ghosal presented the work on gas hydrates and poroelasticity in the ONGC & PAN-IIT consorstium on 'Energy Resources-Advances in Technology and future outlook' held between 24th and 25th November, 2018.
Workshops organized
  • 2023: We have successfully conducted the workshop on 'Petroleum Seismics' on 17-18th April, 2023. Many thanks to Dr. D.M. Nathniel for his lectures.
  • 2021: We arranged 'A special lectures on Well logging' by ONGC-Mumbai geoscientists on 20th and 22nd April, 2021.
  • 2019: We have celebrated the Schlumberger day
  • 2018: We have celebrated the Schlumberger day on 3rd-4th October, 2018!
Research scholar's Academic Acheivements
  • 2024:Mr. Vikas published open access ShaVi-1.0 FWI package in Computers and Geosciences
  • 2024:Mr. Pant secured PhD position at University of Alberta
  • 2024:We have establshied the IITK EAGE student chapter
  • 2023:Dr. Shasahnk N. Verma successfully defended his PhD thesis
  • 2022:Dr. Pankaj Kumar secured scientist position at National Geophysical Reseach Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad. 
  • 2021:Mr. Shashank Narayan Verma's work is highlighted in National Geographic Press, on 12 May, 2021.
  • 2021:Mr. Prabhakar Kumar received the V.M. Bajpai gold medal
  • 2021:Mr. Aditya Sen sen secured Prime Minister Research Feloowship (PMRF).
  • 2020:Mr. Animesh Pant received the V.M. Bajpai gold medal.
  • 2020:Mr. Animesh Pant and Mr. Shashank Verma secured second position in the case study competetion on 'Petrophysical Characterization of a Reservoir' held in the Schlumberger day. 
  • 2019:Mr. Vikas Vats received the best  presentation award in the 2nd Triennial FIGA congress on 'Geosciences for sustainable development goals' held during 13-16th Oct' 19 in CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabard. 
  • 2019: Mr. Animesh Pant received the best paper presentation award at "GeoYouth 2019- 9th All India Students Symposium on Geology" organised at Udaipur University from 23-24th February, 2019.
  • 2018: Mr. Aakash Gupta received 'Excellence Award for innovative approach' from Schlumbeger for his presentation on 'Identification of a deep-seated acquifer below IIT Kanpur campus using ambient noise tomography'.