Undergraduate and Post-graduate courses in Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Atmospheric Dynamics, Computational methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat-transfer, Engineering Mathematics, and Numerical Methods.
Courses Instructed
Course Name
ME647 Introduction to Turbulent Fluid Mechanics (Graduate elective)
ME411 Dynamics of the Atmosphere ( Under-graduate [UG ]elective)
ME681 Mathematics for Engineers (Graduate compulsory)
ME481 Numerical Methods for Engineers (UG Elective)
ME630 Numerical Heat Transfer and FM (Graduate elective)
ME631 Viscous Fluid Flow (Graduate compulsory)
ME311 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (UG elective)
ESO202 Thermodynamics* (UG Core compulsory)
ESO212 Fluid Mechanics and Rate Processes*(UG Core compulsory)
ME341 Heat and Mass Transfer (UG compulsory)
ME634 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (Graduate elective)
ME685 Programming and Numerical Analysis (Graduate compulsory)
(at SUNY, Stony Brook) Ideal fluid flow
Viscous and boundary layer flow
*Large (150-300+ students) Undergraduate classes
Courses Tutored:
Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Introduction to computers, Engineering Drawing, Design Laboratory, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Undergraduate Mathematics, Communication Skills.
New courses initiated :
Introduction to turbulent fluid mechanics. (Post-graduate)
Dynamics of the atmosphere. (Undergraduate)
Numerical methods for Engineers. (Undergraduate)
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (Post-graduate)