I am an assistant professor in the Microelectronics and VLSI group of the department of Electrical Engineering in the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and a member of the solid-state circuit design lab. I work in the area of analog integrated circuit design primarilly aimed at signal processing. Primarily due to my interest in teaching analog circuits, and to ensure its reach beyond the walled classrooms, I record my lectures for public viewing. You can access them here.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, where I worked under the supervision of Prof. Nagendra Krishnapura. During my Ph.D. I worked on the design, analysis and realization of wideband, tunable true-time-delay elements on integrated circuits and demonstrated its efficacy in implementing expansion and compression of narrow, wideband pulses. I obtained my M.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2007 and B.Tech degree from Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, West Bengal in 2005. During my M.Tech, I worked with Prof. Aloke Dutta on modeling gate tunneling currents for submicron MOS devices. Between 2007 and 2011, I was with Cypress Semiconductor Technology India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, where I was involved in the design of power management circuits for non volatile SRAMs.

Jan: 2025: Aasif's paper titled "An LPTV Programmable Bandpass True-time-Delay Line Without External Clock-Phase Shifter" has been accepcted for presentation in ISCAS 2025. Congratulations Aasif!
Dec: 2024: Harish joins the group to pursue his MSR. Welcome Harish. Aug: 2024: Aadil joins the group to pursue his Ph.D. Welcome Aadil. Aug: 2023: Aasif's paper titled "A Low-Loss, Compact Wideband True-Time-Delay Line for Sub-6GHz Applications using N-Path Filters" has been accepcted for presentation in APCCAS 2023. Congratulations Aasif!
Aug: 2023: Mayank's paper titled "A Robust Overdesign Prevention Circuit Technique Under Widely Varying Ambient Conditions" has been accepcted for presentation in APCCAS 2023. Congratulations Mayank!
July: 2023: Kunal and Vibhor defend their M.Tech thesis. Congratulations to both of them!
July: 2023: Sushil bags proficiency medal in the convocation 2023. Congratulations Sushil!
June: 2023: Sushil, Vinayak and Kaustubh defend their BT-MT thesis. Congratulations to all of them!
Feb: 2023: Kaustubh has been selected for IEEE MTTS undergraduate scholarship. Congratulations Kaustubh!
Jan: 2023: Abhishek's paper titled An Automatic Leakage Compensation Technique for Capacitively Coupled class-AB Operational Amplifiers got accepted for publication in IEEE ISCAS 2023. Congratulations Abhishek!
Oct: 2022: Nitish defends his BT-MT thesis. Congratulations Nitsh.
Jan: 2022: Mayank and Harshit's paper titled " "Bandwidth-Enhanced Feedforward Amplifier with Shared Class-AB Gain and Compensation Paths" to be presented in IEEE ISCAS 2022.
Dec: 2021: Kautuk defends his M.Tech project.
Nov: 2021: Mayank receives PMRF scholarship for pursuing his Ph.D. work. Congratulations Mayank!
Aug: 2021: Mayank defended his BT-MT project and joined the group as a Ph.D. candidate
Jan: 2021: Harshit's paper titled " "Breaking the trade-off between bandwidth and close-in blocker attenuation in an N-path filter" got accepted in IEEE ISCAS 2021.
Oct: 2020: Paper titled "Analysis and comparison of distortion of Miller and feed-forward opamps in negative feedback" presented in ISCAS 2020.
Sep: 2020: Our paper titled "Effects of AC Response Imperfections in True-Time-Delay Lines" got published in IEEE TCAS II.
July 2020: Parthasarathi, Anteshwar and Prashanth presented their M.Tech work and defended their thesis.
July 2020: Our team comprising of Mohamad Aasif Bhat and Anteshwar Chimadge was among the winners of the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship India 2020 program. Congratulations to Aasif and Anteshwar.


WL-211, Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 208016
Phone: 0512 679-7732
email: imon @ iitk.ac.in