Active Tectonics and Paleoseismology Lab

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Prof. Javed N Malik


Prof. Javed N Malik, is faculty at the Department of Earth Sciences, IIT Kanpur, who also served as Head of the Department, is the foremost researcher in the fields of Active Fault Mapping, Paleoseismology, and Paleo-tsunami studies in India. He uses innovative techniques for identifying active faults, and paleo-tsunamis. His work has led to identification of several new active faults namely the Kangra Valley Fault; Taksal Fault; Pinjore Garden Fault, and Hajipur Fault in the Himalayan region. He was first to report the Kangra Valley Fault in Himalaya, and active faults along the Kachchh Mainland and South Wagad from Gujarat. His Paleoseismic investigations revealed geological evidence of several large-magnitude paleo-earthquakes that occurred in Himalayas during the historic period. He identified signatures of several mega-thrust earthquakes and associated transoceanic tsunamis from Andaman and provided evidence for seven tsunamis in the last 8000 years from coastal stratigraphic records. The data generated are crucial for Seismic/Tsunami Hazard Assessment. He has also contributed to several engineering projects of national importance for seismic hazard estimation. He has closely worked with State and National Archaeological Departments - towards identifying ancient buried structures using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). His online courses offered under the umbrella of NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning)-Swayam platform has benefited students across the country. He is a recipient of National Geoscience Award in Disaster Management; S. S. Merh Award in Quaternary Geology; Young Muslim Scientist Award; B. B. Lal, Endowment Chair Professor for Archaeology; Excellence in Teaching Award, and is Fellow of Indian National Science Academy.

“We also provide consultancy services”

Latest News

  •   Javed Malik and his team conducted a Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) survey for archeological investigation in Agroha and Darond Khera, Haryana.
  •   Miss Rukshar Hussain presented a poster titled “Active fault and Paleoseismological studies in the hinterland region of NW Himalayas” at the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.
  •   Bijoy Dutta presented a poster titled “ Potential utilization of multi-parametric earthquake precursory signatures in support of LAIC Mechanism: A case study on Turkey- Syria Earthquake (6th Feb 2024)” at the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.
  •   Azhar Ansari presented an oral presentation titled “ Growth and lateral propagation of Fault-related fold in the foothills of Kumaon Himalayas, India” at the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.
  •   Miss Monika Kumaiya (21223266) delivered her SOTA seminar titledActive tectonics and Paleoseismic studies along the foothills zone of NE Himalayas”.
  •   Nayan Sharma has been awarded a two-month internship program at the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, to learn tsunami simulation modeling using JAGURS software.
  •   Mitthu Dhali has been awarded the INQUA Fellowship for six months to carry a part of his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Long-term deformation and tectonic-geomorphological evolution of the Himalayan Foothills zone between MBT and HFT in Kumaun region of Central Himalaya” under the supervision of Dr. Pierfrancesco Burrato from National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) Rome.
  •   Prabhat Kumar defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “Crustal Deformation Studies in Northwest Himalayas using GPS Measurement and Topography derived Evidence” on 6th October 2023
  •   A session has been organized in the INQUA Congress 2023 entitled Tectonic and Climate-driven Landscape Evolution a never-ending Challenge for Modern Society (Thoughts from LEMON project, INQUA - AIQUA)” by joining a collaboration of IIT Kanpur, University of Palermo and INGV Rome.
  •   Eshaan Srivastava attended the INQUA Congress 2023 in Rome with an oral presentation entitled “Evidence of tectonic activity from river terraces and Alluvial fan surfaces from Katchh: A stable cratonic region of Northwest region India.”
  •   Mitthu Dhali attended the INQUA Congress 2023 in Rome with an oral presentation entitled Paleoseismological inferences and characteristics of medieval earthquakes along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) from the Kumaun region of the Central Himalaya.”
  •   Mitthu Dhali attended the INQUA Congress 2023 in Rome with a poster presentation entitled “Morphotectonic evaluation and Paleoearthquakes studies of the Himalayan frontal belt bounded by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), Kumaun Central Himalaya.”
  •   Mitthu Dhali attended the AOGS 2023 in Singapore with an oral presentation entitled “Surface rupture evidence of the great medieval earthquake along the Himalayan frontal thrust: Inferences from Paleoseismic studies, Kumaun, Central Himalaya.”
  •   Nayan Sharma attended the AOGS 2023 in Singapore with an oral presentation entitled “Building the Paleo-seismic History of the Allah-bund Fault, Great Rann of Kachchh, Western India.”
  •   Bijoy Dutta delivered his SOTA seminar titled “Early Detection of Epicenter of an Earthquake by Integrating Several Precursory Signatures Using Machine Learning Technique” on 13th June 2023.
  •   Rukhshar delivered her SOTA seminar titled “Active Fault & Paleoseismological Studies in the Nahan Salient region of NW Himalaya” on 13th June 2023.
  •   Mitthu Dhali has been awarded the the INQUA travel support award to attend the INQUA Congress 2023.
  •   Rajat Kaushish delivered his SOTA seminar titled “ Active Tectonics and Paleoseismic Investigations along the Karakoram Fault, Ladakh” on 31st March 2023.
  •   A Winter School on Active Tectonics And Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution (LEMON) is organized by the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, University of Palermo, and the Department of Earth Sciences IIT Kanpur, in Palermo, Italy on 15-21 January 2023 funded by the INQUA TEPRO Commission.

Instrument Facilities








Lab Incharge

Javed H. N. Malik

Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur 208 016


+91-512-2597723 (O); +91-512-2598534 (R)


